I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Sunday Open House

Dear Diary,

I just came back from visiting and it was really a tiring and sleepy day for me. I helped myself to the food that was served in every house. Not that I was hungry but it was more of being courteous even though I can feel that my stomach was exploding. I haven’t had so much food in a day for so long and today seemed to break the pattern. I am not proud of it at all.

How are you my dearest Diary? It seems funny how I am struggling to find ideas on what to write to you now because just about this afternoon, I found myself eager to pour out what was on my mind. Perhaps the sleepy syndrome has just hit me. I did not feast freely on the food however I had a few of everything. Honestly it has been a long time since I attended open house invitations. For the past 5 years I only spent the first week of Syawal in Singapore and I went back to Subang Jaya for the rest of Syawal. I did not go for any visitings when I was in Subang Jaya. It was a quiet but of course relax Syawal for me. This year, there is no more place in Subang Jaya I can call my home. Home is long gone together with all the love I once had over there.

I miss Flying Babe, my car, my home and my life over there. Life in Singapore has certainly created a small scale shock in my life. Many of my relatives have come to know the fact and in some aspects, it is good for my career as now I can promote myself to the closest circle of people around me; my relatives. In insurance and property industry, you always go for the closest circle of people you know to create your first sale. I might have a cousin sister who is selling her private property I think she is toying with the idea now.

I am not hoping for her to engage my service instead I am rather afraid. I don’t know Diary. I am so new in this industry and I am fearful I might just screw up or did not perform up to her expectations. Well, it is ok Diary, I think I will still service her if she seeks for me but if she does not, then I won’t be affected by it. We are still family anyhow. However deep inside my heart, I would say that it is good if she engages me because it is always delightful and advantageous if I get to close my first successful transaction with people in my circle of relatives. It is just like my first HDB transaction.

Oh well Diary, I would love to write some more but I have to sleep. I have to attend a meeting tomorrow at 2 and start working diligently. Pray for me Diary.

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