I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, September 27, 2010

Go Ahead, Laugh All You Want

Dear Diary,

I went to the meeting today and I was asked to 'go home' jokingly by the senior agents. Well it seems that the meeting is only for those who have not passed the CEA exam and have not had 3 transactions. I have not got 3 transactions but I have passed my CEA exam and so I am safe. I understood the new regulation. When I read about it, I honestly did not feel that I am affected. My manager might have misunderstood it. I sometimes wonder if he digest and understands what he reads because he always gives me wrong informations. There are a couple of times where he misinformed me of things and I had to get the correct informations from HDB call centre. 

That is the thing about being in this industry. Most of the old generation of agents are not very highly educated. Back then, the government is not strict of the minimum requirements to be a real estate agent. As long as they can do sales even when they speak bad broken English, they can be considered as an agent. So many complaints have been made against these agents thus the government is taking steps to increase the minimum requirements. It is about time the real estate industry in Singapore is to be scrutinised and regulated. 

I felt very challenged just now when they jokingly asked me if I did not understand the email enough to be present in the meeting. I defended and explain myself. One of the senior agents who has reached the Division Director level then asked me to 'go home' because I need not be present in the meeting. His remark invited a roar of laughter from the other agents and of course I laughed too trying to show him that I got his joke when I really felt like kicking him in his balls, give him one karate kick to his stomach breaking his intestines and punch him in his face so hard that his face would be disfigured. 

Most agents come from a humble background and they are not bound by any office protocols. They may be the Senior Division Director or Senior Group Director but one has to bear in mind that real estate agents got promoted not because of their qualifications instead they got promoted by their performance in sales. An agency does not take into account your personality, educational qualification and your aptitude. All they care about is how much sales you bring into the agency monthly. When you have achieved the target sets by the company, you will be promoted and carry the title like as though you are the top and most powerful person in a multinational company. That is how real estate agency functions. There are so many directors because there are so many divisions in an agency. The more divisions they have, the more salespersons there are and that leads to more sales and income for the agency. 

So even if you hold PHD in business or a rocket scientist by qualifications, trust me, you are nobody to the other agents until you bring in sales into the agency. My Senior Division Director does not even speak proper English with his dictions almost match the ability of a fishmonger speaking English. But who cares anyway because he brings in almost $2 million worth of sales for the company monthly. That is how he earns his title and status in the agency. 

I am cool about it all however their laughter today just gave me some sort of motivations and desires to prove them what I am made of. I was angry with them for laughing at me. They made me upset deep inside. Their laughter actually became the fuel for my journey in this industry. All I want to do now is to bring in more sales to the agency and walk with my head held high, shoulders back and a million dollar smile on my face. When I am there, they will know who I am.     

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