I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

To The Departed Souls

Dear Diary,

It has been 5 days since Aidilfitri and there is a lot of news in the neighbouring country that has caught my attentions. The news was shocking especially when it happened in the holy month of Ramadan. I have been following the news since I first found out about it and I have to admit I have a mixture of feelings about it.

I read in the news how family members of the victims still have a glimpse of hope that they are still alive although news of their murder have been confirmed by the authorities without the DNA results. I supposed if I were in their shoes, I too would have hope like that. It is only natural how their flesh and blood took the news like that. Hope springs eternal in the human hearts and reality usually takes time to sink in. I recall how my family and I refused to listen to the doctor when he told us that my late brother had only 6 months to live. I guess when it happen to your loved ones, regardless how true it is, you still want to hope for the best ignoring the fact that things which you do not hope happen more frequently than things which you do hope.

I do not know the victims neither do they know me but I feel for them. Reading in the news how they were murdered appalled me and I simply cannot imagine how another human beings could do such despicable acts all for the sake of money. And it is not like the culprits are in dire need of money out of desperation at the time of the murder. The main suspect has RM7 million in one of his bank account (God knows how many other bank accounts he has) and 9 luxury cars (7 of them are Mercedes Benz worth millions of Ringgit). Therefore, it is no wonder that the news described the main suspect as having an unbelievable accumulated wealth of money and assets as a lawyer.

Everytime I read the news about the case, I honestly feel like I am reading story plots of some Hollywood movie that has the potential to become a blockbuster. I am sure many others who have been following the case share the same feelings. Never in my right mind would think something like this could happen in this part of the world. This is similar to how the Mafias in some countries practice to accumulate wealth and power.

With lots of money, people like this would go to this extent to ‘finish’ off his ‘competitors’ or ‘threats’. Ironically these people are the very people you look for to uphold justice for you and the society. It is now questionable to me if their philanthropist ways before they were caught would be considered noble. In Islam, a person cannot be considered as doing the right thing when he steals to donate. He may have good intentions to donate but the money for the donations must also come from the right and acceptable source. I have begun to wonder if the brothers did it for the sake of charity or merely to cover up their bad habits of accumulating wealth.

I have read somewhere that the hardest thing to break in the world is habit and perhaps these brothers have picked up this habit along the way and it is difficult for them to break it. It has somewhat become like a game to them, kill and be rewarded with wealth thinking that they are untraceable and invincible. If it has been proven that they are the mastermind behind many other unsolved missing persons cases, then I would just say that they are serial killer lawyers who kill for wealth who had just been defeated by the very subject they studied in school; law. They might have forgotten that the phrase ‘nobody is above the law’ applies to every individual on earth regardless how much money you have in the bank. It is just a matter of time before the law catch up with them.

I am feeling deeply sadden for the families of the victims and I hope my heartfelt condolence reach out to them in any possible ways. May justice be served for the victims and their families and may the victims’ souls rest in peace and may Allah has mercy on them. Al-Fatihah.

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