I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, March 17, 2005

everything comes with a price

dear diary,

my friend finally called me tonight and gave me her hotel and room number so that i can reach her to meet for dinner. this will be my first time meeting her and i hope things will be fine. i have spoken to her on the phone before and judging from there, i know we can click. she is about my age or probably younger and i don't think she is attached.

oh i have to tell you that chicken pie called again last night just to wish me good night. she is on her exercise routine and she told me she wants to have a tummy like mine. i giggled at her statement and ask what kind of tummy does she think i have when she has not seen i bare my tummy yet. she giggled and i somehow i knew she wants to shed off a few kilos. in my opinion, she's overweight for her height but it really does not matter to me if i were to take her as my gf. anyone else would think the same too right? if you have fallen for someone, size does not matter. it is not like i am going to take her as my gf but i am just talking in general. she has sweet face however and a very nice voice.

i have check the website for some very important things to do and it looks like i have to re-adjust my budget to meet the needs. sacrifices have to be made and i guess i am making one. you will see a new more slimmer me in a year's time. hahaha well a man got to do what a man got to do. i am single minded about it and by hook or by crook, i will get it. it's not so difficult as it seems it is if you set your mind to it and go all out to achieve it. mind over body that's what they say.

my schedule is getting tighter and tighter after this. this year really marks the year for my revolution. i got a tutor for myself and i hope she's pretty. she's indian muslim and i think she's a convert cos she's the only one in her family who is a muslim. she's staying in tampines and i have to be there on every saturday after my quran class. oh yes, talking about quran, i just remembered that i have to register for the quran class module 2 by end of this month since module one is ending soon. ohh man, gosh it looks like i have to utilise my savings first. i have to pay a lot this month, my one time tuition registration fees, quran module 2 registration fees, PDL registration fees, practical driving lessons registration fees and my practical test fees. i think it all adds up to 700-800 bucks. oh boy, i am really going to become just flesh and bone soon. it is just my luck that every registration happens to be at the same time. i have a choice to bring forward my driving matters registration but i don't want to wait anymore cos i cannot afford to do so.

i really have to do a lot of reading this time, it seems that all the subjects demand lots of reading with in depth understanding. i can make it, i know i can, i know i will. hahaha, have you noticed how people motivate themselves diary? they give themselves all these encouraging talks, speeches to boost self esteem and confidence. but sometimes, people lose steam very fast and early and if they do not make an effort to remotivate themselves, all the effort will go down the drain. no victory, no success, no triumph and no glory. i hope i don't become like that. i bet if we do a survey, we will get a very surprise figures at how many people in this world today are doing the jobs they don't desire to do.

they are only doing it because of lack of opportunities, lack of educational qualifications or probably they just don't get lucky. i know many of my friends who became what they are for their parents. lawyers, doctors, engineers, professional designations but not what they wanted to be from young. well, i don't know how did i manage to break away from it all but i am sure my parents know that i am a bull that is not easily tamed, once provoked i will be very hostile with everyone in my way.

you know what, i have lots on my mind, and i have not stop thinking till this very moment, and when i am thinking of something else when i am doing something else, i cannot do it right. to get it right is to stop doing the other while doing the other, get what i mean? but i cannot stop thinking and therefore, i think it is better for me to stop writing now and focus on my thinking. good day diary.

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