I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

hustle and bustle of life

dear diary,

my weekend was hectic and tiring. i have always felt sleepy and tired nowadays but i cannot help it. i didn't go skating last weekend but i still ended up going to bed late. i went to JB on saturday night with my brother and cousins. we went there for supper and to top up petrol. it was fun cos pizza brought along battery and she was adorable. iszy came too and that made 5 adults and 1 baby. we went supper at the usual place and we talked about cars and how each one of them got their license.

hearing them talked about the process they wwent through was hilarious and it made me even more eager to have a license of my own. i have yet to apply for PDL but i think i am going to wait first cos i am still attending final theory practice classes and the test date is on 8th of march. i am lacking confidence that i can pass my final theory at the first try cos i have to admit i am studying less for my final than for my basic theory. however, i am hoping that i will pass my final theory test at the first try cos time is running out or perhaps i just can't wait to have my license since we have already bought a car. well, i guess i still have to wait till end of the year before i am able to drive the new car. i think we spent most of the time talking about cars and license than anything else. we left the place at 3 in the morning.

i woke up at 8 the next day and accompanied my dad to the cemetery. i didn't want to go cos i was so tired and sleepy but it's been about a week since i last visited my brother at the cemetery. after that we went to the car sales office to pass the relevant documents to make our purchase. it was hectic and tiring. i still got to do my laundry and clean the house on sunday. oh yes, i forgot to tell you, hang tuah went for his sterilisation on saturday morning and we went to fetch him in the evening. he was still groggy when we brought him home. he walked sideways at times, collapsing like a drunkard cat. we can't bath him until a week later under doctor's advise. he stinks but he always remains adorable. i love him so much and i want to take care of him till he is old.

diary, i feel that i have a lot to write but time is not on my side so i will write again when i have the time. until the next blog, you take care and have lots of fun but be safe ok?

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