I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, June 26, 2005

changing for his own betterment

dear diary,

i am not sure if hang tuah is happy for the arrival of hang jebat into the family. tuah seems unfriendly but rather territorial with the house. everytime they played together, tuah seems to be bullying jebat and jebat would shout in protest or defence it seems. tuah is 2.5 times bigger than jebat, obviously it would be jebat who would be outstrength by tuah. i saw them play with each other many times and each time i saw them, tuah would be on top of jebat nibbling and most of the times biting jebat on the ear, stomach, feets or tail. jebat doesn't retaliate, he only lies down on the floor doing everything he can to defend himself, sometimes shouting so loud that he alarmed everybody. i am sure they were not fighting but i am sure tuah is very rough when he's playing. tuah couldn't even be bothered that hang jebat is way too small for him to play rough. the things about tuah is that he is timid with stray cats but he is not with jebat. probably to him, jebat has entered his territory, and in his territory tuah rules so i figured that's where tuah's bravery and ego come from. or perhaps, tuah knows that jebat is of the same breed as him and smaller in size and so he has the upperhand. rag dolls are not known to be fierce or violent and they are one of the breed of cats that is very suitable for children. but when they get together, they can be rough with each other cos i assume kittens are like children, playful and mischievious when they get together.
jebat has shown tremendous positive changes. comparing himself from the first day he was here, he is more brave and outgoing now. he roams around the house freely and he has learnt how to find his litter tray and food. he is exposing himself little by little and i am beginning to see the result of our determination and hardwork. it seems that our formula works and we need more time to change hang jebat until he becomes like hang tuah. this morning, when i woke up, tuah and jebat were lying on the kitchen floor waiting for me to feed them and it is the first time that jebat has become brave like that to sit on the kitchen floor on his own accord. he has begun to eat his food and drink his water without us bringing them to him. it is a good feeling to see him becoming independent like that. it is not a 100 percent positive change by him but it is enough to know that our efforts to make him change has bear its fruits and it is just a matter of time before we are able to harvest on the fruits. jebat still needs to get used to be carried and more human contacts. i have to carry him twice a day for 10 minutes each to make him feel comfortable with human contacts. the competition is on 17th july and definitely the judges need to carry him and inspect him. if he does not get used to being carried, there is a possibility that he will freak out and lose his chance to win at least the 10th place for the championship category. it is such a waste for kitten like him to lose an opportunity to be a championship. he has the championship qualities features, ironically his character has to be build up. tuah will enter into the household category since his features are not of championship quality however, his character is almost perfect. i guess God is fair to everything. u win some and u lose some.
oh yes diary, did i tell you i bathed them on sunday? i bathed both of them but at separate times. tuah was first and followed by jebat. it is so easy to bathe them and it is almost unbelievable. cats are always afraid of water but tuah and jebat did not at all struggle or ran all over the toilet to hide. although they did make some noise but overall it was easy. jebat was easier cos he stayed put at one place sitting however, he was noisier than tuah. you know diary i meant well when i did what i did and i think it is partly because of it too. i am so much of a believer now that immediately after i showered jebat, i read ayat kursi to him and stroke his body gently. i read out loud to him thrice and i prayed to god to make him change slowly for the better and like i said, i have begun to see his changes. well, i just believe that there are solutions to every problems and every verse from the quran if read with confidence and solid beliefs would help to cure and heal. probably, our formula works on its own but with the prayers it speeds up the process.

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