I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, June 30, 2005

dream a little dream...

dear diary,
I am down with fever, flu and cough.my body feels weak, my throat hurts and my eyes are warm. I don’t mind the fever and flu but I hate the cough. My chest hurts when I cough and especially in crowded area, I had to control my coughing and it’s such a misery to have to control your cough when the throat itches. I went to bed early last night missing Legal Boston on TV. Damn!
I had a dream last night diary. This dream is rather a surprise because I have not talked or spoken to her for a long time and last night I dreamt of her. We spent the night together with each other and we slept together with one blanket. I couldn’t remember the dream vividly but it was a simple dream. Flying waitress was the main actress and I remembered we did something together, I think it was a picnic and we had long conversation by the sea in that dream. we were supposed to go somewhere but we ended up sleeping. I was feeling very cold and so I covered ourselves with the blanket and I looked at her face in that dream. Her eyes were closed telling me that she is in a deep sleep and I woke up. I dreamt of her a couple of times before, if I am not mistaken it has been 3 times now.
It’s funny when you dream of someone that has not spoken to you for quite a reasonable time. I have to fill in the entry form for hang tuah and hang jebat cat’s competition before I miss the deadline. Hang jebat is going into the kitten championship category while hang tuah is going into the household category. I am so excited for them and couldn’t wait for the result. I am hoping for hang tuah to be at least in the top 10 for household category. I am not expecting much for hang jebat though, it is just the exposure that I want him to have. I am having a project of my own. There’s a prize for best dress cage competition and I hope to win it. I have this batik concept of the cage cover and I am going to have a roof on top of the cage. I am not sure how it is going to look like but I am actually giggling a bit now trying to imagine how my little project will look like. I still remember how we were not prepared during the first competition and hang tuah’s cage looked so bare and bald. We didn’t bring anything to decorate his cage, not even a towel until someone lent us a towel. This time round, we are going to come prepared and hopefully we will win the best cage competition.
I am not sure where the competition will be held but the last time we had one was at downtown east pasir ris. Hopefully it’s going to be held there too cos I have familiarised myself with that place. Furthermore, pizza is staying nearby there and probably she can come and watch the show but I doubt it would be safe for her as she has a newborn baby. We don’t want her baby to be breathing cat’s hair into her lungs. I am going to call her anyway and see if she wants to come. Oh wait, the entry form said it’s going to be held there again at the D`Marque. That’s just perfect.
I am going to send little sister a letter diary. I want to buy for her something but I haven’t thought of anything yet. I want to send her something which can make her think of me. Something which needs not be so expensive but yet valuable at the same time. I am thinking hard now. Give me suggestions will you? oh…perhaps I could give her one of my existing worn t-shirt. I mean, that t-shirt represents me doesn’t it? It is mine for quite some time, I have worn it many times and it has my smell in it. It’s not dirty or soiled or smelly but it’s mine and I am giving what’s mine to her. Do you get what I mean diary? It’s not lewd is it? It’s not like I am giving her my soiled underwear. Oh for crying out loud…I think that’s a good idea. But the only problem is, I don’t know which t-shirt to give.
You see, the thing about me is, I am stingy with my property. I don’t mind giving money but I do mind giving away my tangible property. Oh wait!! I know which one of my shirt I want to give her. Alright…I think, tonight I am going to wear it to sleep so it can have my natural body odour stuck to it and I am going to post it after that.
Oh diary, please don’t give me that face, I don’t have bad body odour so I am sure she’s not going to get annoyed with my gift. Do you think she will appreciate it diary? I am sure she will. I know little sister too well, she’s humble and I am positive she will know what it means for me to give her one of my existing favourite t-shirt. It’s always like that isn’t it? Anyone of us can buy expensive or perhaps cool gifts for people easily but not many of us can part with our existing favourite gifts for people. It’s different from any usual gifts we think of everyday, it comes with a value and memories which money cannot buy. Well, I guess that is going to be her gift from me. My favourite old worn t-shirt and it sure smells good.

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