I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, June 17, 2005

let all toxics go to waste...

dear diary,
i window shop at novena square this afternoon and saw a new book store. i went in and browse through the range of books they have and one book caught my attention. it is a book about how to become a successful person in whatever field you are in. it is called The 100 most fundamental principles in becoming successful. i read through the book and i like what i read. it's simple to understand and straightforward. it's an account of true life stories by the author himself and how he rose to fame and fortune by applying those 100 principles into his daily life religiously. i flipped through the first few pages and i can see that this book contains the most honest opinions and tell all on how he became successful.
i might be buying this book soon and i just can't wait to get started on it. one section of the book that caught my attention greatly was about staying away from toxic people. i smiled widely when i saw the section and thought to myself that i have been doing the right thing. i've met 2 people in my life that seemed to distress me a lot and since then, i have stayed away from them. i am a happy person now, i breathe with ease and i have stopped feeling unworthy anymore since i stayed away from those two toxic people. it is true that people say, birds of a feather flock together. if you want to become successful, hang around successful people more often. you just have to be selective when it comes to choosing friends. you are better off alone than being with people who do nothing but only put you down. i live by that principle and so far it has do me lots of wonders.
do you still remember about my friend driver, diary? he did something that only enforced my opinion on him that he's not trustworthy. after all the trouble he had caused to rent the house from hippo, he asked a favour from me to use my credit card in the pretext that i only act as a guarantor for the rental of the car he was going to rent. he didn't explain to me in details about the procedure and i only got to know about it when i was there. he needed the car to transport his belongings to the new house and the car rental centre only allows transactions make through credit cards. something told me not to trust him but i helped him anyway and let him have the card to rent the car. he promised me that he will pay cash for the car rental fee and assured me that my credit card merely acts as a guarantor. i only found out yesterday when i received my bank statement that the rental fee was deducted from my credit. i called him up and made some enquiries pertaining to this matter and he tried to sound convincing that he had paid the rent by cash. he told me it could be the parking summon which i doubt. he promised to pay me back and i have grown so sick of him.
time and again i have told myself not to offer any kind of help to him anymore because i knew he is not trustworthy but i wouldn't listen to my inner voice and this is probably something which i deserved. i have to admit i learnt my lesson now and i am not going to be a mr. nice guy anymore. what he did was similar to what trouble did to me and i think i have to stay away from him from now onwards. these people are toxic and they only add nothing but miseries to my life.

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