I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, June 24, 2005

give that cat a warm welcome..

dear diary,
we brought hang jebat home feeling very earger and excited to show him to hang tuah. when i carried him into the car i really wonder how would it be like to have him in our house. i was hoping so much that hang tuah would welcome him and appreciate our efforts to find him a playmate of the same breed as him. hang jebat does not cost as much as hang tuah but i am not sure if that explains the drawbacks he has. when we first saw him, we knew he is not going to be like hang tuah. jebat seems to be very shy and fearful of noise and movements. worse of all, he is afraid of humans. he has a face that can win many hearts because honestly, he looks much better than hang tuah. his eyes are big and round and his features are of championship quality.
although i would say hang tuah is handsome but hang jebat is more charming and has looks to kill. i fell in love with his face the first time i saw him but i was apprehensive to take him in because of his characteristics. i believe he is naturally shy and timid and without good sufficient training from his breeder, he turned out to be a coward. there were only 2 kittens left to be adopted and the other one is friendlier but does not have championship quality features. therefore,we decided to settle for hang jebat although we knew the risk involved. when hang jebat was at home, his behaviour enforces our assumptions that he would be extremely shy and timid. he hid himself in places that took us hours to find and he starved himself until we brought the food to him. he pass motions all over the house on the first two days and he always hides himself somewhere he thinks he is not visible to people. in short, he is totally the opposite of hang tuah.
we thought of ways to make him change and we have decided to quarantine him in the kitchen to expose him to loud sounds and noises coming from downstairs. we tried to rearrange the furnitures in our house to give hang jebat less place to hide. if possible we want him to be exposed to everything but we know we can't do it in a day. it has been 4 days since he arrived and we can see he is making progress and has shown positive changes. he knows where to find the litter nowadays whenever he needs to release himself and he has grown moderately attached with hang tuah. they played catching with each other and sniff each other. hang jebat is still afraid of human contacts but we can see that he's already feeling comfortable with us slowly.
he allows me to touch him and rub his chin. he would curl up while i rub his chin and he would lie on the floor with his eyes close purring. that shows he is comfortable, however, he still has not wag his tail while he's purring and that means he is not 100 percent comfortable. we have lots of work to do with hang jebat compared to hang tuah but we are not giving up because we have good feeling of him and hopes that he will win the championship category. there is going to be another cat show this 17 july and i think it is still at pasir ris downtown east. i am eager to enter him into the competition and i have started to train him to be outgoing like hang tuah. hopefully i will succeed.

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