I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, January 16, 2009

Simple Plan Went Wrong...

Dear Diary,

i wish i hadn't been so careless about all the decisions i have made since i moved here. things have not been pretty smooth for me. sometimes i wish i could start all over again and prevent myself from making the wrong choices that i have made. but you and i know that it is just impossible to turn back time and undo the decisions we have made. how have you been doing Diary? has life been treating you good? i hope it has...because you are the most loyal and faithful listener that i have known. you listen without talking back and you hear without prejudice. you never put me down and i love you for that. not that i hate to be brought back to reality but most of the times, i just want to pour out what i am feeling deep inside. it doesn't matter what i say or write, i just want to let go in writing without being scrutinised. at least that would lighten the weight i am carrying.

i met up with a new friend the other night. i was introduced to her by another friend. she and i began texing each other. it was just casual conversations, nothing intimate and nothing flirtatious. it was purely based on normal everyday talks. i was too tired to meet up but i was on my way to KL that night and i have planned to meet her at subang at 1030pm. in the car i figured that it was a bit of a rush so i arranged for her to meet me at KL since i was going there. i was with secret recipe that night and she called another friend to come and joined us. so when that new friend of mine came, there were four of us. the night out was rather boring because i was tired and sleepy but i had to entertain that new friend, oh Diary, let's just call her Simple Plan shall we? I had to entertain Simple Plan because she didn't know any of my friends. I tried to make her feel comfortable and i think she did. she was simple in dressing and i am assuming in everything as well. we talked about work, food, business, cars and any other things that came across our minds. while talking i tried so hard to stay awake. my eyes were blood shot and i looked haggard. i knew she noticed that but i didn't want to make it look obvious so i put up my very best active expressions. i think i failed and she repeatedly asked if i wanted to go home.

how i wished i could go home the moment she asked but i couldn't because i was not driving on that night. secret recipe drove me and i had to wait for her to send me home. and then, Simple Plan was on the phone with that friend of mine, Americano. I heard Simple Plan told Americano that i was with her and I immediately gave Simple Plan some cue not to tell. it was really nothing big to talk about but the implication was rather serious now. i don't know diary...i guess some people just take things too seriously. the reason why i preferred Americano not to know is because Americano and her Gf, Miss Decent had asked me out on that night to a club. i am really not a club person nowadays. i am confident that i have graduated from those days. when the offer came, i simply had to reject, furthermore i was tired. secret recipe asked me out to dinner and i just couldn't refused because she has been there for me during the times i needed moral support. how could i say no to someone whom i have done wrongs but still stand by me in times of my needs. so, with my tired face, blood shot eyes and feverish body temperature, i went out with secret recipe...and since Simple Plan is in KL too, i asked if she wanted to join us.

so it all started from there...i was afraid that Americano and Miss Decent would have hard feelings towards me since i had to refuse their invitation to the club. so much for trying to protect people from having hard feelings towards me but i screwed up myself. being the usual laid back and 'selamba' me, i told Miss Decent that i have met Simple Plan and then she started to sound offended which i just couldn't understand.

do you know what would i do if i were her Diary? I would just laugh at it and tease myself. so i would look younger than my age and be a happier person without taking things like that too seriously. but i guess some people take everything seriously and little things like that do seem offensive. what can i do what can i say...we live on different principles...some people like to laugh at things while others just like to be tough cookies to please...

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