I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, January 5, 2009

Not Everybody Is Once Bitten Twice Shy

Dear Diary,

I am not back to Subang but i know what had happened there. my stuffs got stolen and it was done by who else but that minah rempit. this is the second time it has happened and i am just so bloody pissed right now. the first time it happened, she apologised. she came to me crying like a kid who did not get the candy she wanted. it was an ugly sight. i didn't mentioned anything about my stuffs she took, instead i only asked her about what she really wanted in her life.

i was with FnB and we went to search for minah rempit together cause she had FnB's laptop which she had borrowed for over two weeks and did not return. we managed to locate her and got back the laptop. i got my stuffs back from minah rempit's room, they were hidden in a box like as if she really did not want me to find them. i lost my trust in her. she actually duplicated the key to my room and that's how she got in. i asked for the key back and she told me she had threw it away. i didn't want to push anymore so i let it be. this time it happened, she took more stuffs from my room including my money. it was very shocking that she would do such a thing because we have been friends for almost eight years now. who could have thought that she would have the heart to do something like that. i am really appalled with what had happened.

when i found out my stuffs got stolen, i did my own investigation works from singapore. after thirteen years of chatting, surfing and browsing online actively, i have made many networks. i made a few phonecalls to people i believed have the informations for me and it was confirmed that she was in indonesia. i assumed that she actually only intended to 'borrow' my stuffs to look nice, stylish and perhaps expensive over there. she didn't have the means to be like that on her own because she always focus on love instead of goals. she is the kind of person that would die for love and treats her life partners like God.

after the first phase of my investigations, i got another cell of mine (this really makes me feel like a terrorist lah..'cell' seeehhh...) to get hold of someone online from indonesia to confirm the whereabouts of this minah rempit. i got a few numbers and i made some long distance calls. i didn't worry about the bills, all i wanted was my stuffs back. you know diary, i have this thing about my possesions. i am very possesive about my belongings and i hate, let me repeat that, i hate to have people wearing or using my stuffs. i am a bit of a freak when it comes to that. it is not like i am stingy but i am just not used to sharing. we can blame that on my parents i think...
i spoke to this indonesian who happened to be a friend of another indonesian that minah rempit has been staying with in indonesia. do you get what i mean? apparently, minah rempit has been going steady with this girl from indonesia (let's call her Windy). so minah rempit is putting up at windy's place. this indonesian (let's call him Help 1) i spoke to happened to be a god brother of windy. now, i explained to Help 1 about my situation and predicaments. she gave me another number to call and requested me to text her my story so that she could forward the text to windy, so windy could see for herself what kind of a new girlfriend she has for herself. i did as i was told. and in the early evening, i got a message from windy to ask me to call her.

i made that phonecall and i managed to speak to minah rempit. it was not just my money that she stole, but my digital camera, seven pieces of my tops and 2 pieces of my bottoms, a pair of shoes, two watches, a bag and my sunglasses. all these belongings of mine when accumulated the prices, thay could reach to RM5K. i kept my cool when i was talking to her, i told her that i want my stuffs back by the 25th of January otherwise i would go to her family house to let her family knows about this and then i would make a police report. i told her not to take me lightly and i made sure she listened. she promised me she would deliver my stuffs to me. there are a lot of other stories about her i have heard from Help 1 and i honestly have lost total respect for her. there are just too many lies that she has told and they are actually trapping her.

all these talks about she having what she does not have in malaysia is just too much for me to stomach. i have begun to see her true colours and how and what people can do just to have that feel and sense of belonging. i asked her what made her do what she has done, she told me she just wanted to go to indonesia to meet windy. she doesn't have anything that she could be proud of. she doesn't have anything that she could show off. so she had to steal...i was silent. i was just thinking how lucky some of us who have the means to have what we want when others just can afford to admire what we have. they are not really expensive or special edition stuffs that she took from me, they are just ordinary stuffs that i bought with my own money and some were given to me by very special people in my hearts. they have sentimental values that cannot be bought with money. i told her to post the stuffs back and i will not report to the police. she promised me she will and even windy was shocked about the news. she gave her word to me.

i will wait until 25th of January and if the stuffs are not returned to me, i have no choice but to report it to the authorities. i might have to let go of this one friendship i have built for over eight years now. it is waste and i hope she will learn from this lesson that there are limits to what we can do to people who are nice.

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