I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She Has Paranoid Written On Her Forehead.

Dear Diary,
I woke up today hearing the message alert tone from my mobile phone. It was from paranoid and the message she sent said “wake up, we have to settle everything by today”. I was cool but I just thought to myself that the name paranoid I gave her really suits her well. She is paranoid about anything and everything under her nose. I have grown sick of it because I am feeling that she is just acting too much thus blowing things out of proportion. It is like making mountains out of molehills.
How do you do Diary? I have thought about you today and I promise myself that I will write tonight no matter how tired I am. I took my shower early today and woke minah rempit up because I know paranoid was just waiting to settle things and get everything over and done with by today. Well, I know she has a say about what had happened in the house recently but I just don’t appreciate her rushing me like that because I know what I have to do to settle any outstanding errands concerning the house.
I took minah rempt to the police station and withdrew the report. Paranoid tagged along and after that I bought lunch for us and we ate at home. I was in my room lying down in bed when paranoid knocked on my door asking me when is minah rempit going to leave the house. I knew she meant the question for me because I was supposed to make sure minah rempit leaves the house by today and I was rather upset because this is the second time in the day she rushed me to do things which I just hate. I told her to wait and relax herself and she started questioning me. I have had enough of everything since day one I came back here and I told paranoid off sending her a message that I don’t appreciate her attitude.
I got upset with paranoid for concrete reasons. I didn’t think she would rush me like that. It was only one in the afternoon and she was already making an issue out of it. Minah rempit was supposed to leave the house today and she knew she has to leave and was making preparations for it. I saw her packing her stuffs and it was such a sad moment to look at her like that. When paranoid was rushing me, I really felt as if she was chasing minah rempit in a hurry. Goodness gracious, the crime minah rempit did was to me and in my humble opinion, paranoid has no right to get so uptight over things. Minah rempit has done nothing to her but paranoid acted as if it was her money and belongings that minah rempit had stolen. I didn’t feel it was appropriate for her to behave like that.
I went into minah rempit’s room and I saw her sitting on the floor quietly. I think she must have heard the commotion between paranoid and I. somehow I feel sorry for her. I didn’t want her to leave because I knew she has nowhere to go but since paranoid has a say in this house, I couldn’t do anything about it. I sat beside her and I looked at her in the eye and for the first time after what had happened I broke down in front of her. All of a sudden I feel so much for her. I was abusing her verbally before but I have no more anger towards her anymore now. All I have for her are heartfelt sympathy and understanding.
She is such a child at that age. I couldn’t believe her family left her to answer for the problems she had created. If I were to have someone in my family like that, I would have done something to assist even how big the crime is. If I couldn’t assist financially, I would have given moral support. Her family background is just so different from mine. I have caring parents and a responsible brother whom I can seek help and take sound advice from. My aunts and uncles are just a phone call away if I were to ask for help. But she has none of those and it is so sad. Can you imagine it Diary? I have known her for eight years and she has always been left alone to settle her own problems. Everytime I look at her, I imagine myself being in her shoes, oh Diary…it really scares me.

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