I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hope To Bring It On

Dear Diary,

Nothing much happened today. I took quite a bit of time to get out of bed today. As soon as I did, I hurriedly did my household chores and I planned my day. I did not go farming instead I went to my office to get some listings for my clients. I also applied for e-valuation for my house and the valuers will be contacting me in 3 days time. I did everything online and I wondered to myself what would ever happened without the internet nowadays. People can do everything at home. The technology can really act as a bridge to people and businesses.

I have been talking a lot to Gummy Bear lately. Do you still remember her Diary? Talking to her somehow makes me miss Subang Jaya and my lifestyle there. I miss the times when I often had friends coming over just to hang. At times they spent the night in my house and we just watched DVD and simply filled our time with empty talks. I miss my car and how I miss the convenience of having a car to take me to places. At times while I am working here, I would picture myself driving to the nearest coffee shop to buy take away lunch or to just cruise around Subang Jaya just to kill my time.

It is not easy to be back when your heart does not really want to do so. I keep trying to talk to my heart but I am not getting a hint that it is listening to me. What else can I do Diary? I have not catch up with my friends here in Singapore except for Hippo. Most of them are married with children and we have lost in touch since graduation. I feel lousy sometimes. I am not complaining Diary but I just want to tell, you know. Just wanna talk it out. I miss my friends there and what I used to do. It is that time again when I reminisce of how my lifestyle was once upon a time ago.

How are you Diary? Has life been treating you good? Life has been fair to me, Alhamdulillah. I am stressed from work but I am hanging on because I know Allah will not test me with something that I cannot take. If everything in the world is easy, then most of us would be complacent and discontented. There will be no sense of achievements then, right?

I have a dream that I have to achieve. I came back to Singapore for reasons that only I know. I like it or not, I have to be here. I have moved on but I know I have not moved forward yet. I supposed it is time now. Diary, just stay close to me ok.

Good night Diary.

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