I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, August 16, 2010

Spending My Time Today

Dear Diary,

I am writing to you from my netbook. I have got it repaired and this is the first time I am using it since then. It is not really perfect like how it was when I just bought it but I really cannot complain much. The backspace button is not functioning anymore and I have difficulty deleting mispelled words. It can be quite an inconvenienced as it can spoilt my momentum. The technician did not reformat it back to how it was because he said the hard disk space is so small to have the latest IE installed. I understood him but if the manufacturer already pre-installed this netbook with the latest version of IE, why can't he just do the same? Some people just do not listen to his customers need and want do they?

I broke my fast outside again Diary. I had 1 curry puff and 1 fried chicken from Old Chang Kee at Toa Payoh. I bought a packet of iced cold milo after I finished them and I have never felt so full. I have noticed that I am consuming less food since the past 2 months. I have lost a bit of weight and I think it is probably due the stress I have had from work. It is strange how people think working without bosses can be fun and free from stress. It is just human nature isn't it? We never appreciate what we have, always wanting more than what we can have. 

Queing up at Old Chang Kee this afternoon makes me wonder the reasons why it is not so popular in Malaysia. I have just figured it out actually. We don't have roadside food stall vendors here in Singapore and that is the reason why Old Chang Kee is so popular. Almost every estate has it and it has never failed to have long queues of customers waiting patiently for their turn to be served. Looking at the menus they have, one would again wonder why does it attract many customers when the food they sell can easily be made at home. From curry puff to nuggets of all flavours, fried kueh of all types and all the other instant fried food that we can find without any hassle in supermarkets. 

I have missed buying all the fried kueh in Subang Jaya. No need for Old Chang Kee because there are plenty to buy from at the roadside there. I remember the nasi lemak stall situated at the Metro bus stations in USJ. They packed it so nicely at RM1 each with a quarter of boiled egg and a sprinkled of anchovies. It tasted good and how I digged into them for my simple lunch alone in my room while watching the television. Oh Diary, how I missed my life over there. I did not live luxuriously but it is the simplicity that I miss most. At times I would stopped by at Mydin first to grab one or two steam hotdogs to go along with the nasi lemak. I guess that's what I would miss most about living in Malaysia. The food that I can have anywhere anytime and how easy it was to park my car without really bothering if it is legal or illegal. Well, different country has different habits. I somehow feel more comfortable driving in Malaysia than in Singapore. 

I went to my office this evening after my simple fast breaking ceremony to learn how to do the financial calculations. I had a one to one lesson from my manager. I initiated the lesson because I knew I need it badly. I have a prospecting appointment this Wednesday evening remember Diary? I am feeling somewhat hopeful that this owner will give me the exclusivity to sell her house. I got to do a financial calculations first for her and show her the big picture first before she can decide to proceed to sell her house or not. I am going to practise my presentation skills and work on the formulas tomorrow until I perfected it. Most of the experienced agents said that they rehearsed their presentation skills many times before they go prospecting. I supposed it is true that practice makes perfect.

I will probably stand infront of the mirror tomorrow and speak to myself. Oh geezz...I think I would spend most of the times giggling and chuckling instead of rehearsing my presentation. You know how cheeky and mischievious I can get don't you Diary? I am going to do my farming again tomorrow and I hope it won't rain. Rainy days make me lazy. *Chuckles* Well, who won't anyway? Go out there and ask everybody and I bet most of them would agree with me.      

Oh Diary, I got to go now. I need some sleep. You take care Diary. I love you.

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