I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mutton Cooking Marathon

Dear Diary,

I cooked dinner for my family again yesterday and I have never spent so much time cooking a single dish that long before in my entire life! Dad bought some mutton and we decided to cook mutton soup. Dad offered to cook but knowing him and the mess he would have created, I volunteered to cook. Mum was at work and she called to tell me to cook earlier as the mutton needs to be done very well. I prepared all the ingredients and started cooking at 1 until 5 in the afternoon. I waited until the meat was really done up well before I switched off the cooker. Wow, I never want to cook mutton or beef again.

I never fancy them anyway. My favourite have always been chicken and seafood. Mutton and beef are the last in my list unless I have them westernly cooked. I remember how my mother forced me to eat a piece of mutton when I adamantly refused. Nobody can reasoned out with my mum and I ended up eating the piece of mutton with tears streaming down my face. I never could figure out why it was such a big deal for her to force me until I am all grown up and I began to understand. I am not fussy when it comes to food. I don't like meat but I can still eat them. So, I supposed being parents we always know what's best for the kids. We want them to grow up not to be difficult. I guess I would do the same to my children if I do have any.

My appointment has been cancelled tonight. I text my client at lunch today and she called me back immediately and apologised profusely. It seemed that she has totally forgotten about our appointment thus she made another appointment with her friend. Well, it's Ramadan right? Everybody seems to be busy making appointments with friends or relatives to break fast together. I have gotten used to having my appointments cancelled. Mostly they are all cancelled by the clients. Agents hardly and unlikely will cancel the appointments because appointments are our jobs. Regardless where it is, we will always try to be there punctually.

This lady that I am meeting tomorrow, I am just so curious about her. She speaks English with an American accent, sounds very cheerful and nice on the phone and very responsible indeed. She owns a HDB flat and I am sure she is over 35 years old. She is the sole owner and I am assuming that she bought the flat under the Single Scheme. Well, I hope I will impress her with my presentation tomorrow and hope that I did not fumble neither would I stammer during the course of my explanations. Speaking to her on the phone already gave me goosebumps. *Chuckles* 

I have yet to practice my presentation skills and to get myself familiar with the calculations formula. I am practising it again tonight. I did farming this morning and I got a phone call from a man who is looking for a 4 room or a 5 room flat. I did not even ask his budget because he was always talking until I had difficulty to interrupt. I wonder why some people can talk so much repetitively. He kept asking what is the purpose of me having the latest recent transacted price stapled together with my flyers if the flats are all sold. I explained and had to re-explained to him again. Nevertheless, I guess this is what my Manager mean when he said there are many kinds of people living in HDB flats that I will meet. True enough, well I am fine with it. I had exposed myself to the society since I was 15 years old when I worked part time in 7-11. I think I can handle it. 

It is true that there are just so many types of people that I will be meeting if my job scope requires me to service the society in general. That's just what a salesperson do. We sell to almost everybody. We do not pre-judged a client, we only qualify them. We still keep their profiles in our database even though they are not qualified because these people will eventually be qualified when their time has come.

Well Diary, I got to go. I need to cook something for my dad. Talk to you later Diary. Take care.  

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