I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Productive Sunday

Dear Diary,

I was supposed to have 4 viewing appointments today but 2 was cancelled at the very last minute. I was walking towards the meeting place when I received a text message from the agent representing the tenants that the appointment was cancelled. I was kind of pissed than dissapointed. Firstly, the agent who represents the tenant called me up after midnight last night making an appointment with me. Apart from that he talked as if he will definitely closed the deal. He asked me lots of questions that somehow made me feel so small and inefficient.

I was telling you about checking the ownership of the unit yesterday wasn't I Diary? Well, it came from him. He asked if I have gotten my contract ready and have checked on the ownership. I have gotten my contract ready but I did not do a check on the ownership because firstly I did not have the exclusivity on the unit and secondly Vivian has a couple of agents serving her. I have to admit my mistake for not checking first but I honestly did not appreciate how this agent talked to me about my mistake.

He called me up after midnight and persuaded me to secure an appointment for him exclusively. He talked with full of confidence that his clients will like this unit and make an offer and even told me to try to stop other agents from viewing the unit. I was almost dumbfounded. When he knew that I have not checked the ownership, he started his little prep talk and said that I might be wasting his time if Vivian is not the rightful owner and how I should have done my homework first before I posted the advertisements. I let him talked and just listened to him because after all he was right. However, I did not like how he conveyed his message. He was bold and full of air, stinking one of course.

I told him the viewing only starts at 3 and he in a very typical Singaporean manner, 'die die' wanted to push me to have the viewing appointment for him at 11 in the morning so that we would be earlier than other agents. He actually got me to plan together with him and he made me wondering if I was an agent or a spy for a minute. It was rather comical when I recall about it. Amazingly, I participated in the planning. Duuhh....silly me! 

So there he went, bla bla bla and yadda yadda yadda...what I was supposed to do and how we were going to make the deal go through. Honest to God, I was really thinking that this was going to work as he was full of confidence that his clients agree with the price and unit (even without viewing the unit). So there I was, in the morning when I woke up, checked the ownership of the unit and made viewing arrangements for him at 3pm. 

So as I was walking to the block for my first appointment of the day, this bugger text me and told me he had to cancel the appointment because his clients wanted a cheaper unit elsewhere. It was 2.50pm. I froze when I read his message. After all the trouble he made me went through, after all the time I spent with him on the phone planning to execute the little plan we had and after he without lacking a bit of confidence telling me how his clients had agreed on the price and unit, now he is telling me he had to cancel. Damn this bugger! It was a lucky thing that I got a few other phone calls and I managed to secure another appointment at 530pm and another at 9pm. 

In most cases, it is the norm for agents to have cancelled appointments. We agents are so used to it because we know, the clients are usually the one who cancelled appointments. Agents hardly cancel. And in most cases too, we would just understand and accept cancelled appointments. However, in my case I became very much unhappy with this particular agent. He talked so much about how I did not do my homework, he said that I might be wasting his time and he also said that I should have checked the ownership as I am paid to do so and after so much talk, he cancelled the appointment. Screw him. I text him back in a very diplomatic way to put some sense into his brain. I felt happy after that. Well at least he knows what goes around comes around. No need to talk so much if you cannot make the decision, ultimately the clients are always the king. 

Oh well, Diary...at least now I am progressing a bit. I have gotten the hang of it a little. The more viewings I have, the more likely my chances of closing deals is high. I am beginning to feel how it really feels like to be an agent. Getting belittled by other smart ass agents, getting your appointments cancelled at the very last minute and having almost half your appointments cancelled on the same day. Wow...it really is not easy to be one. It takes lots of patience and perserverance. I am hanging on because I am tough! Am I? We will see.

Good night Diary. There is always a soft spot for you in my heart.    

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