I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Am Wishing For Positivity

Dear Diary,

I think my laptop has finally gave way. I tried to switch it on just now but I couldn't. It froze on the same window and never got to my desktop. I did not hit it neither did I throw it on the floor like I always did whenever it goes haywire. I have started to accept the fact that it is dying and it is really time for me to replace it with a new one. I am not letting my anger take control of situation anymore. Kudos to me? Well, I am not mad at it anymore. I am just realising the truth and the truth about my laptop has just sunk in.

This morning at 10 I was woken up by the ringing of my second phone. I was still fast asleep then and I really thought that I was dreaming so I ignored the call. Then, I heard it again and this time I realised that my phone was ringing literally. I looked at the number and I knew it then it could be a potential client who called. I answered the call trying hard not to sound like I had just woken up and the voice on the other side requested to speak to me saying my name like how I printed on my flyers. I knew it then that this was really going to be a potential client.

It was a woman with a querky American accent and I just thought that she sounded nice. We spoke and I soon got to know that she wants to sell her house but wants to know how much cash proceeds she will be getting from the sale of her house if she sells it. She was very straightforward and I could tell that her intentions are genuine. I asked her a few crucial questions and I offered to pay her a visit so I could advise her and do a financial calculations for her to help her make the decision. Upon offering, she instantly agreed to welcome me and we made an appointment for this Wednesday evening at her place. I felt good about it.

I have to admit that I was pretty much ecstatic about it and I silently said my thanks to Him. I supposed he has listened to my prayers and again he has given me the message that the farming I did will eventually lead to positive results if I just stubbornly and patiently persevered. I cannot be too confident now that this lady will sell and give me the exclusivity but at least I can have some kind of hope that she will. All I have to do now is to pray even harder that the appointment will be successful.

I have to go to the office tomorrow and learn how to do the financial calculations in details from my Manager and I will practise it at home until I am very clear about the formulas. I will keep on practising until I get it right and understand. I will also have to get my netbook repaired because I surely need my netbook then. I need to check on her mortgage balances online and also check on the ownership status. 

I am very pumped up now Diary. I am just glad you know. Perhaps it is too soon for me to feel like this since this is the very first stage of turning prospect into my client but I cannot help it. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah!!! I shared this news with my friend without a face the minute I hung up the phone. I just wanted to share this with her you know and my mum of course.

I am sending my netbook to the service centre tomorrow. I hope they are able to fix it by Wednesday. I really need it by then. I got to do lots of preparations before my visit and hope that I will not get too nervous to even illustrate even the simplest things to her. I have known to have cold feet when it comes to situation like this. My palms get all sweaty and I would stammer making a fool of myself. My heart will beat like a million times in a second and if I am not careful enough, I might just froze right there and then looking like a robot with dead batteries, hopeless and helpless.

I am admitting to you Diary that in the midst of the excitement, there is a little place in my heart missing her and how her presence in my life although far and away kisses all the troubles away. I wish I could have just told her how much I have been missing her. I wish I would have the strength to tell her that within her I lose myself, without her I find myself wanting to be lost again and the days of her absence, sad and dreary, clothed in sorrow's dark array, I am weary; she I love is far away.

No one would understand what my heart is trying to say. It is so complex that I find it hard to understand myself. The footprints she has left are still there that even the tide coming in cannot wash them away. I wish she had known about this but I am too shy to tell what my heart desires. It is not ego but it is an ultimate respect for someone that I dearly regards. The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.

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