I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

It is All About Actions

Dear Diary,

Eversince I came up with the idea of daily routine, I always strive to do something productive everyday.  It has been a month and a half and if I do not do anything productive, I will feel awkward and uneasy. The things I must do daily are praying on time, 30 minutes workout, housework, read, write, mengaji, memorizing any Doa which I want to and work such as Uber, Forex, and E-commerce. That is how I challenge myself. I fill up my time with things that produce the result for my own betterment.

 I need to be productive and positive. I always make sure I am feeling good the minute I wake up from sleep. What and how you feel every morning determines your mood for the rest of the day. I know I must always be feeling enthusiastic and excited about things. When that happens, I realize I can make magic out of it. I cannot deny there were times when I felt lazy to workout but I thought to myself, what is it that makes me feel lazy? It is just a 30 minutes workout. It will be over before I even know it. It really takes a lot of discipline to feel good and look good. Do it, and then you will feel motivated to do it, I did and it is true.

I am back at Forex again and my analysis for the past two days, have been accurate. I read the charts and I made my own judgments without outside influence. Usually, I do not read any other person’s opinion on forex because forex is a very subjective matter. You simply cannot apply the monkey-see-monkey-do principle if you want to do forex. You simply can’t. Forex needs more of your attention than just copying other people’s trade plan. It is not something where you can ask people to trade for you simply because you think you have the money to trade or perhaps you are being lazy to learn. Some people are like that. They want to improve their lives and boost their income but they refuse to learn and go through the hardships of learning and expect things to be easy. We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.

I have come across people like that plenty of times. Those who want to be financially strong but not willing to explore opportunities and those who want to lose weight but do not want to go on a diet and exercise. I only have one word for them; Lazy with a capital “L”. All they do is grumble and complain. The power is in their hands but they expect the power to activate on its own. How sad is that? People must realize that the first requirement in taking a step in the right direction is to take a step in some direction. Knowledge does not equate success, actions do.

I am going hiking again this weekend Diary. It will be two mountains in Gerik Perak. Gunung Kenderung and Gunung Kerunai. We call them K2. It sounds like the most dangerous mountain in the world but it is not. This is K2 of Malaysia instead of K2 of Pakistan and China. Since I have completed the seven highest mountains in Peninsular Malaysia or better known as G7, I think I am going to focus more on Trans Mountains in Malaysia and go hiking in Indonesia, Philippines, Nepal and other countries. I guess I will never stop hiking until the day I die because in every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.

I got to go already. I need to memorize line 11 of Doa Qunut. 

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