I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

My New Story Books

Dear Diary,

Look at what my mum bought me. She bought them 3 days ago and I have been reading the muqaddam ever since. I am also recognising the characters. I cut out little pieces of papers and I wrote the characters on each of them and I test myself to read the characters. I need to memorise them first. I feel like I am a little kid all over again learning how to read the ABC.

The truth is, I should have learnt Jawi the same time as ABC but that did not happen because we live in a world where most Muslims think ABC is more important and superior than Aliff Ba Tha. It is ironic but now, I have realised the importance to be Jawi literate and I am working on it to improve myself as a Muslim. I suppose that is what matters most right? Always be learning and never stop improving yourself.

I am looking at myself one year from today and I am pretty sure I will be good at reading Jawi if I just be discipline enough to keep learning and practice daily. I want to read the Quran. I want to do it for myself, my parents, my brothers and Allah. Please wish me all the best Diary and hope that I will not stop learning. Oh yes...Doa Qunut is almost done. I am asking Nad to print for me 2 copies of it so I can hang it on the wall to check my recital once I start praying Subuh with Doa Qunut. I am excited!

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