I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Loving All Positivities

Dear Diary,

The search for a hotel in Bali proved that searching for accommodation for your aged parents is a tall order. Most of the hotels do not have lifts and not all serve halal breakfast. Bali consists of mostly Hindus, therefore, this explains why. I have canceled about 3 hotels already. My priority is a room on ground floor or hotels which upper floors are accessible by lifts. I spent the whole day scanning the website. I read reviews, I looked at the pictures, I looked at the satellite maps of the locations and I booked the hotels. After booking, I sent an email to confirm if they serve halal breakfast and rooms on ground floor. That is how detailed I have to be when looking for accommodation when I travel with my parents.

I have to finish this task by today as tomorrow starts my quest to finish my e-commerce store. I need to launch it soon. Weekdays are the time when I want to focus on Forex, E-commerce, and Uber. Weekends will be my rest and relax time. I have been following my schedule closely. The workout is an everyday thing nowadays. I start my day with Subuh and then 30 minutes workout. Housework will depend on situations. Most of the time, mum has already done the laundry and cooking. I will vacuum and mop the house. I will fold the laundry and send them to respective rooms.

I really want to do more but I cannot seem to be ahead of mum with the laundry. She wakes up earlier than I do and the laundry department of the house belongs to her. I let it be because I know it is pointless to challenge her. I have told you before I cannot work together with mum. We simply can’t. When two strong-headed persons get together, you will get some sort of natural disasters in the house. Mum always gives in to me because she knows how stubborn and fiery my temper can be. There are times when I gave in to her. I have learned simply how to agree to disagree silently. It is not a big deal, really. The chores still get done only that it is not done my way. Task completed, that is objective and as long as things are completed without hurting each other’s feelings, I think I can live with that.  

So while we are here in Tangkak, I am doing the same only that it is more taxing here. The house is bigger and we have indoor and outdoor space in the house, so big means tired. I am lucky mum did not think of building a double story bungalow when she decided to build this house otherwise I would have considered cleaning this house as my daily workout routine.

I am moving on to line 10 of Doa Qunut Diary. I am slow to memorize because I know I have not made enough effort. I have not been focusing more on Doa Qunut but I am still progressing. I think I will be good by this week and I can pray Subuh reciting Doa Qunut by Friday the latest, Insha Allah. Oh, my God, I cannot believe when the day comes. I will probably be the happiest woman on earth being able to recite Doa Qunut. To some, it may not be a great accomplishment but trust me, when you are jawi illiterate and knows only some surahs that you can count with your fingers, being able to do something like this is truly an amazing thing.

I believe I am blessed Diary. I am doing all the positive things nowadays. I improve my prayer, I checked with friends about the correct habits and practices when we pray, I watch youtube videos from recognised Ustaz and Ustazah, I memorise Doa Qunut, I workout daily to improve my health and fitness, I look for ways to diversify my income and I teach myself to be grateful for the simplest things that happen in my life. I complain less and I stop feeling sorry for myself when things do not go my way. I stay away from negative people and I only give attention to people who bring positivity into my life. I notice my mood has improved and I will carry on like this. The power of “I am”.

Oh Diary, while I am writing to you, mum told me to learn how to read the muqadam from her. I am really blessed! I love my parents so much. Thank you, Allah for the wonderful family you gave me.  As I slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point my way. May the sunshine, all day long, everything goes right, and nothing wrong. May those I love bring love back to me, and may all the wishes I wish to come true!

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