I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, June 11, 2010

Faith Is A Passionate Intuition

Dear Diary,

I was up early today and I did what was necessary. I tidied the house a little, did my laundry (wash, hang, fold), took my shower and left home to do farming. This time it was at the ring road thus I did not have to walk far from my house. I took with me about 400 pieces of flyers and guess what Diary, I did about 5 blocks! Can you believe it? I did 3 executive blocks with only about 50 units per block and the rest were 3, 4 and 5 rooms.

Oh Diary, as I am writing to you, my brother came home with my CEA result and guessed what Diary? I passed!! Oh…I am ecstatic now!! Now that I have passed, I can practice as an agent with more confidence and at ease. The government has actually implemented the new regulation already and since I have passed the CEA, I am an exception to the new regulation.

Diary, this afternoon when I did my farming, I came across a flyer of an agent who has been long in the market. He has picture of himself with trophies of his achievements, long list of properties he has sold and an impressive track record. When I looked at his flyers I felt kind of inadequate. I compared my flyers to his and I thought for awhile. This guy must have earned about SGD15K a month looking at his transactions. I felt somewhat poor.

However it is known that no agent in the market started rich. Most agents started poor but with sheer determination, abundant enthusiasm and die-hard perseverance, they succeeded. Like I told you earlier, many give up because it is not easy to break the egg. With no basic salary at the end of the month, who could stay if you have not made the sales in the first three months? That is why I had to give up the house in Subang and to lease my car for a year. I do not want any unnecessary commitment in the first year. I have to focus and only pay attention to the most important things.

Honestly, at the moment I have no money, no fancy car, unimpressive track records, no trophies and I have not closed a deal. But I do have this stubbornness in me, it is a great ball of fire than i can turn into an inferno. Remember what I have told you about focusing on what you have than what you do not have? I am going to stubbornly persist, for I know I will find that the limits of my stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of my limits.

I am not going to be afraid to give my best to what seemingly are small jobs. I know every time I conquer one it makes me that much stronger. If I do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves. With the love, care and belief from families, friends and acquaintances, I know I will one day be the best in what I do. I may not have everything now but I have Him to seek guidance and gather strengths from. I have Him to shine the light on the path I am walking because I know faith is putting all my eggs in His basket, then counting my blessings before they hatch.

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