I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Talk To The Point and Be Beautiful!!

Dear Diary,

I attended a workshop last night and I was so disappointed. The topic that the trainer was supposed to talk about was “Prospecting” but I found that he talked about himself more than he did on the topic. For 2 hours, I sat there hoping that he would come back to the point but he did not. All he talked about was his life and on the tips to achieve goals that we have set. The only tip that I got was to remember the prospect’s name and address him properly after introduction.

I just cannot stand people who like to talk too much about himself when he is supposed to talk about something else. It is annoying especially when you make yourself present at the event because of the topic or issue that was going to be discussed but only to be disappointed. I wish I could just come up to him and remind him to keep to the point and not to waste everybody’s time by telling his life stories. For crying out loud, he could write a book or create a blog if he wants so much to tell about how he had worked at Mcdonalds when he was 14 just to buy a pair of Puma shoes.

Yes, those stories moved me but for goodness sake, I hope to listen to him talking about how to do prospecting, how to generate leads and how to make strangers your clients. No, I did not get all that instead I had to put up a false front faking my small giggles merely to give him the credit that he had a good sense of humour after all.

Good evening Diary, how do you do? I have been busy nowadays with door farming. I do door farming almost every day about 4 days a week. Since last week I have been consistent in my door farming doing on the average about 4 blocks a day with 115 units each. It is tiring Diary and at times I do wonder if it is going to bear me any fruits but I am not giving up just yet. I am recalling what I had said once that fruits do not grow overnight after you farm. I also recall that perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. After perseverance, patience is the key word here Diary.

There are a couple of times a fellow agent called me up to ask me to join her network business but I declined politely. I knew it is MLM when she introduced it to me on the phone but she keeps denying it. After she explained how the business works, it is clear that it is MLM. It does not matter how you are going to make money out of it but when how much you earn depends on the down line you have, then what do you call that kind of business? I have set my mind that I want to focus on property because this business is real. It is a promising career if I just stay on come what may.

I went shopping with dad this afternoon Diary. Bossini is having its great Singapore sale once again and clothes are going at rock bottom price. They are filthy cheap. I bought four pieces of tops and dad paid for them. Well, what can I say? I refused to buy in the first place but dad insisted that I buy some too since he is buying. The thing with dad is, he always prioritize his children than himself. I suppose that’s what all daddies do right? Dad bought 3 pieces of polo shirt that fit him well. You know how he is like don’t you Diary? There are reasons why I call him Humpty Dumpty. He really looks like one and when he finds clothes that fit him nicely, he surely won’t leave the place without buying. Fat people always find it hard to find something they like in their size. That would scare me being fat.

I remember when I was once fat in my life. Would you believe me I have only been fat once in my life for 2 years? It was when I was 22 to when I was 24 years old. From 48kg I ballooned to 64kg. Imagine how I was Diary. I did not really take care of my outlook then. To me, fat is always ugly thus I did not bother to dress up to look pretty or cute. I seriously felt I was ugly then and I did not shop for those 2 years and I wore scruffy clothes. After those 2 years, I slowly lost my excess weight and I was back to my ideal weight. I got back my poise and I walked with my head held high and shoulders back.

It was during then I got to know Pumpkin and how I have a high regard for her coolness until today. You see Diary, Pumpkin is plump and round but her level of confidence awe me. She gets me admiring plump and round people like her. Oblivious to her surroundings, she wears fashionable clothes and never fails to look cute to my eyes. She is pretty in her own ways, beautiful and charming with her personality. I suppose I had a liking towards her because of her personality.

So Diary, who says fat people cannot be beautiful, right?

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