I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, June 26, 2010

This I Promise You Dad...

Dear Diary,

I went to the office yesterday and submitted my transaction. I had to fill up more forms and I am really digesting the fact that as an agent, I have to start liking form fillings. It is true that there will be many paperworks for agents to do said the CEA lecturer. I figured since he has closed more than 3 thousand cases, he has probably gotten used to it.

I met my Manager and we came up with some strategies for me. I will carry on with my door farming as usual doing 4 blocks a day and I will do my mix and match on the leads and listings that I have and I will probably start to do cold calling in the evening. I will focus more on rental of HDB and private as it is easier to close rental deals and diversify steadily into buying and selling at a later stage. I have to start map out my activities and be discipline and diligent to become efficient. 

I must write down what I want to achieve and paste it on the wall so that it can be visible to me and I will be reminded that this is not a game anymore. It is a battle among who is the fastest, sharpest and most efficient salespeople. I must develop a sales millionaire mindset inside of me. I must push away all the negativities I hear, see and believe and turned them into positivities. The clock is ticking Diary and I remember all the things that I have gone through to be where I am now. I remember the vow I made to myself before I signed up to be an agent. I am recalling the reason why I came back to Singapore. I am remembering myself leaving Subang Jaya with a heavy heart. I picture my parents infront of me. I remember my brothers dead or alive. I see the memories of me with the women I have loved and friends I adored.

They are my life, my honour and my pride. I will be where I am if I do what I have to do. I will reach my destination with my hardworks, patience and prayers. I never stopped praying eversince I came back. I speak to Him after my prayers. I cry sometimes while I talked to Him. I know He listens and there is no one and nothing else that I need to pray to except Him. 

As I was digesting all the motivational tips and experiencing a quiet moment of inspirations, there was a phone call to another agent's phone and Diary, believe me when I tell you this. I have never heard someone who speaks so loud to the phone than he did. All my life I thought my dad is the only person who speaks loudly on the phone but I was just proven wrong. This guy was so loud that I had problem listening to my Manager talking to me. Even my Manager turned his head a couple of times to look at him. I am very sure the whole office can hear him because he was almost shouting. If I were to give you a better picture for you to comprehend, imagine listening to your MP3 at a full blast. Yes Diary it seemed like he had a microphone stuck down his vocal chord or something. Not only that he was short, plump and bald he speaks loudly too. I cannot imagine how his girlfriend would have to tolerate a boyfriend like that. And I also wonder if he speaks that loud in bed...he can really be an explosive to the eardrums.   

Diary, I feel that I must tell you this story even though it happened 2 weeks ago. I sat down at a coffee shop with dad having our breakfast. It was a simple breakfast with simple conversation that has left a deep impact on me. There was no heavy topic or issue in the conversation but I will remember what he said and the look in his eyes when he said it. He told me that someone offered him to be an agent when I was 17 years old but he did not take it seriously. So he continued working until presently. He told me that he probably was afraid to get out of his comfort zone and he said if he had enough courage and guts to leave his salaried job and just be bold enough to join the property industry, he would have been good perhaps. I did not interrupt him when he told me the story instead I heard and listened to him. I understood what he wanted to tell me. I saw the look in his eyes and the regret it reflected.

I was quiet. I nodded to show him I understood him. I wanted to tell him that it is okay. Let me bring to life his dreams and let me live his wishes. I did not promise him anything in return. Perhaps I am slow in giving promises but those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it. I quietly promise myself that I will do this for him, my mother, my brothers and for all the love I have on earth. It is an immutable law in business that words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises but only performance is reality.

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