I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Visualize And You Will Be...

Dear Diary,

I actually wanted to write to you in Malay but I changed my mind. Not that I cannot write in Malay but I feel awkward doing it. It is like asking me to turn straight you know what I mean? I speak, write and read Malay but I have always written to you in English and I supposed it is natural for me to feel ill at ease doing it. But I promise you that I will someday do it. I have someone to prove that I write in Malay as well as in English.

How are you Diary? I hope you are happy and well wherever you are. Ask me how I am and I will most likely tell you that I had some inspirational moments these past few nights. It is good to feel this way again. I spent my time yesterday at Toa Payoh most of the time. I went for my first HDB appointment at noon and in the evening I went for a road show. The road show was not held at my area of expertise but I thought I would just go anyway. There is another road show tomorrow but I am not sure if I will go. It is also not in my area and I am contemplating to go or not.

I think I have used about 300 of my flyers and I sure have plenty more to use. I will do my door to door farming again during the weekdays with 5 blocks each day. Wow, I really hope I still have the stamina from all the mountain climbing I have done. I am being positive Diary. I have told myself that I cannot expect good results to come instantly when I farm. All I have to do is to keep on doing it and believe in the law of averages. In sales, you cannot deny the simple truth about it all. Always apply the law of averages when you are marketing your services and products.

One thing I also learn about selling is, do not put the blame on the price or the product because if there are other sales people who sell the same products at the same price as you do who are doing good, then there must be something about you that you have to change. I am talking about mindset. I bought a book Diary. It is called ‘Ultimate Selling Power’. Nowadays, I spend my time reading informative books like this and working. I do not go out leisurely anymore. I supposed there is nothing else to do here except to work and be with positive people. I have to learn from them and hope to be successful like them. I cannot afford to waste anymore time and to have visions and dreams but not do anything about it. All talk and no action makes me an empty vessel.

I have to bear in mind the reason why I came back here. Visualize, they say.

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