I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hear Me Allah...

Dear Diary,

How I wish so much that I can pray to Allah right now to give me the strength and courage. How I wish so much that I can talk to him right now so that he knows how I feel. How I wish that what I am feeling now is just a dream in one of my many dreams. How I wish I have another soul in my life that I can tell and share.

Give me your hand and let me put it on my chest Diary. Can you feel it now? Yes, it is broken and it's painful. So painful beyond descriptions. So sad till there is no more tears.

Please Allah, hear this prayer of a creature you have created, a lonely soul broken from despair.

Help me Allah, help me please because I know You are closest to those with a broken heart. The flame of love is now just a cold loneliness.

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