I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, October 18, 2004

go skaters go...

Dear diary, I spent my weekends mostly at home cleaning and doing the laundry. There?s always lots of laundry to do on weekends. I usually wash my clothes for the week every weekend and my parents and brother's clothes add up to it. It was the usual weekend for me. Staying at home bumming and, unwind and relax. I accompanied Hulk to get a pair of inline skate on Sunday after I went grocery shopping with dad. I think he's the fourth one that I have influenced to buy a pair of inline skates.
Hulk usually cycles when we skate and I think he doesn't want to be the odd one among us anymore; therefore he decided to get himself a pair. I brought him to the skate shop I frequent and he chose K2, which I would have recommended to him too. K2 is one of the most professional names in extreme sports and it is known to be the producer of its equipments. I prefer K2 because it has more stylish and attractive inline skates. Hulk got a good offer, which comes in package consisting of a pair of K2 inline skate with full set of protective gear and a helmet. I never had such package price when I first bought mine. I had to buy them separately and that made me jealous of the offer Hulk got.

I have to plan my schedule as Hulk requests for me to teach him to skate every weekend. I had to oblige. I can't wear my tights or shorts, as it is Ramadan now so I guess I have to settle for my track pants. I wouldn't want my parents to nag at me. I think this Saturday night is good to teach as he's not working and I hope it will not be raining. I can't wait to teach him and watch him fall. *Giggles* it would be entertaining to watch a Hulk fell, just pray that we will not be getting any earthquakes. I might as well ask designer to join us if she wants to since she is still not able to skate at full speed. Maybe I will call this Saturday night 'The Beginner's Night'.

I hope to make more friends with skaters in my neighbourhood so that we can form our own long distance night skate team. It is more convenient to have members from our own neighbourhood cos we can set out from same place altogether instead of having to meet at one point before setting out for the journey. I joined other organisations skating trip before and it was fun but the only inconvenience had to meet them at a meeting place far from my place. It required me to travel on foot as I have no personal transport and I have to carry bigger bag for my stuffs. To skate with a big bag is such an inconvenience.

I have registered with skate line for night skating at Bishan Park on the 30th October and I am actually thinking how am I supposed to get there without having to carry other stuffs. I could skate from my residence but I am not sure if the rest will agree cos it will take about 1 hour to get there at high speed and more than an hour for average speed skaters. I guess I just have to settle for slippers and carry my skate and the protective gear with the sling. Avoid bulky stuffs as much as possible. I need to get a safety light similar to my current one to attach it to my left skate, I couldn't find it on Sunday at the skate line, and I think they have sold it out.

You know diary, aramis text me and I didn't reply her. I didn't know what to say to her anymore. I am not taking her as an enemy but I need to protect myself. Ahh well, what the heck, Russia?s birthday is coming and I need to get her a card. I went to look for it but couldn't find any that suits. There are a couple of things I need to send her too. But I think I will wait till I meet her again, if we ever meet...I hate this thing actually. These entire loveys dovey stuffs are making me sick I feel like vomiting. But you know what, I have met a girl and I think I am attracted to her. I don't know diary, sometimes I feel like giving up my lesbian life altogether but then again, I dare not say it openly or I dare not become determine in doing it because I am afraid. I am positive I am not straight since the day I was born, and to be love and be in love is everybody's dream. What am I supposed to be if I cannot love a man and I cannot love a woman? The religion thingy is hitting on me and I am seeking refuge. Help me diary!

I still have not heard from little sister and it is making me feeling uneasy. I am positive that she has been hospitalised but I just couldn?t figure out why has she not contacting me. It couldn?t be that long could it? I watched a TV programme on TV1 and it showed the insights of leukemia and I got many informations from there. I know what is leukemia but I didn?t know the process of the operations and bone marrow transplant. I have got a clearer picture of it now and I hope she will recover fast and will be blessed with good health till eternity. I miss little sister so much?

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