I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, October 30, 2004

who's the judge...?

dear diary, it rained in the afternoon again and my fingers almost got numbed. some lunatic moron turned the air conditioner to full blast and i was freezing! it was so cold i felt i was in the refrigerator at the freezer compartment. i almost fell asleep just now but i managed to stay awake by excusing myself to the toilet to wash my face with ice cold water every 30 minutes.

i missed the singapore idol on TV last night but i didn't miss The OC. singapore idol is not in my favourite tv program list, therefore, it's no surprise if i had miss it. the competition is getting tense and crucial as there are only 6 idols wannabe left and they are considered to be the best to have managed to remain in it this far. however, i do have my own reservations about all these idols craze. the best might not be crowned as the singapore idol because this competition is all about the people's choice. you stay because of the number of votes you receive and to secure the highest number of votes is to be likable to the mass; the public. some people have the cut, good quality voice, good looks and versatile but there's just something about them the public doesn't like and they get eliminated because the votes are not coming in for them. ironic isn't it? back at the american idol, i remember Simon Cowell said that this competition is about your voice quality, doesn't matter how you look like. it's a singing competition, what else do you look for if not for good powerful vocal that can deliver any songs in a singing competition? that's the norm but when the results depend very much on the discretion of the public, then anything can happen. these idols wannabe will eventually have their own followers and fans. the more fans they have, the more number of votes they will get. if the public decide that an idol wannabe is not friendly or does not appear appealing to them, obviously votes will not be coming in for that particular idol. in my opinion, singaporeans cannot become good outstanding singers like the indonesian or phillipino or any other asian countries that is popular in producing singer with powerful vocal chord. looking back at Asia Bagus, some of you might remember this program which was hosted by Najib Ali and Tomoko (If i got the name right). i hardly remember contestants from singapore who had powerful voice that we can be proud of. the very first grand final top prize was awarded to the infamous 'Construction site', the singapore rap group which did not make it big after winning it. Kris Dayanti of indonesia was beaten by merely 1 point but looking at her achievements and success now, we might have thought she holds first place. singapore is definitely not a place where you can sing full time to make a living. the market is small and it's not encouraging. english is the national language and singaporeans would rather buy an english album from international artist than an english album sung by a local artist. that is just how people think over here. even if the album is in another language which can be appealing to the local market, still it is hard to sell. i am really wondering what will happen to the singapore idol after winning the title. can he or she survive by singing in singapore or their fate will be the same with 'construction site' that seems not constructing anymore? i do not know. it is hard to predict since things are often changing, but i doubt the winner can have his cake and eat it. the life of the singapore idol will change but i don't think it's going to be permanent unless she/he moves to a country where she/he is sure to be successful.

i went to Levis just now and wanted to buy the denim shirt i told you about. i went to wisma atria levis counter but they didn't have my size anymore and so i went to takashimaya and no they didn't have my size too. i asked the sales person to check with their other boutique but most of them did not have my size or that model anymore. it's difficult because it's an old stock. it's denim Type 1 sleeveless shirt that comes in 3 colours but i only like the darker blue and they didn't have that in my size anymore. they only have large and it's too big for me. they have S for the other colours but i prefer the darker blue cos i think it looks more outstanding. i look nice in them. i am not sure if i want to go to the other boutique and find out. the sales staff was not very helpful and did not volunteerily call many of the boutiques to ask. he wasn't busy when i came and that really turned me off. i had to ask him to make the call to the selected boutiques without him having the initiatives. i couldn't stay long anyway so i left in a hurry. i am still contemplating to buy or not to buy. i am sure if i really search for it, i will find it somewhere here in singapore. i might have to make a stop at Centrepoint later and check the levis boutique there. i hope they have it cos i still need to get a haircut and do my laundry. gosh, i have so many things to do later on. i might be skating tonight if it doesn't rain with hulk. he told me he has started to practice skating but he still has yet to learn how to glide. he only practiced for 30 minutes alone and having been skating for some time now, i know he will not be able to learn fast. it could be because of ramadan that he has slowed down, otherwise he should be able to glide already by now. everybody seem tired and weak and worse of all lazy. i must drink more water today, i have not been drinking a lot of water and i don't want to get dehydrated. i have to buy some milk from 7-11 or cold storage on my way home.

i received a hari raya card from pumpkin yesterday. she's nice to me and i think i might fall for her anytime soon. she seems caring and sincere. she calls me, she sms me, she chats with me and she send me a card. aramis always promise to send me gifts but she never did. she always makes me wait and hope for things that never going to happen. she always gives me empty promises that only bring more miseries to my soul. she was missing from my life for 3 years and she came back only to hurt me even more. i often wonder why did i fall for her knowing that it will only bring more pain and sufferings. i smile at that question, that's the only thing i can afford to do. it helps me heal a bit...

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