I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, October 14, 2004

no long stories...

dear diary, it's been awhile. i have been tired nowadays i don't know why. i lack a lot of sleep and i have been finding time to catch up on all my lost sleep. how are you doing diary? i am fine over here just trying to get things done on schedule. little sister has not sent any news yet. i have strong feelings that she had her operation but i did not hear from her so i am just a bit worried. it's taking her a long time to get well after the operation. i don't know anybody who has had a bone marrow operation so i couldn't ask. i might have to check on some reading materials about it. i miss her so much. my world seems lonely without her. usually we would exchange news daily via email but now that she's gone, there's no more email from her. she must be in the hospital right now recuperating. pray for her diary...

russia called me 3 days ago and i was kind of surprised. didn't expect her to call. we never talked about us, instead it was just about the usual 'how are you?' kind of stuffs. she seemed to have understood what i really want. there is no more pushing and appeals anymore. i am glad that she has finally listen. it's better like this diary. she told me herself that she's gonna be 'naughty' until i am in KL for good and it would be awhile before i move there and i am tired of being told it's not convenient to talk almost everytime i called her. honestly, i am not sure if i love her cos i never get jealous of other girls being with her. i can be as cool as ice and i couldn't be bothered at all. she has told me the truth that she doesn't trust me and she always think that i didn't love her. so i guess, this decision of calling it off is a good thing. we are still on good talking terms though and i would like it to be this way. she's an adult and i guess both of us have reached that level of mutual maturity.

have i told you i bought a kitten? her name is Serena and she's coming home in november. i cannot wait for her to arrive. she's such a darling and very adorable. gosh, her face is so cute with her pair of blue eyes. i haven't taken care of her but i have missed her so much already.

i have to go diary, there's THE OC on tv now. furthermore, i am running out of idea of what to write. i need to take some vitamins to keep me going. i feel so weak and sleepy always. later diary take care.

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