I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, October 7, 2004

serena is coming home....

dear diary, last weekend was busy and so i spent little time at home. i went for long distance skating on friday night and i got home at 330 am. i didn't go to bed instead i watched Beyond Borders on VCD which i had bought earlier. it was such a boring show. i didn't like it very much. i am not sure how to describe it but when i watched it, i feel like there was no connection between the story and i. i am not sure if my sleepiness had made me feel that way but i just didn't feel right when i watched it. it was a drama and i usually like drama but not this one. i found it to be a boring drama although i feel that the filmakers of that story had quite an important message to deliver; the less fortunate in undeveloped country. but still, i couldn't connect to the story, i couldn't feel it. i turned it off after watching 3/4 of it and went to bed. i was woken up by mum and i just remembered that i had to go to JB for some kenduri at my aunt's house. i also had an appointment with the actress.

i was not nervous in meeting her i didn't know why. i was mildly excited and i am beginning to wonder. we were supposed to meet at City Square at 2.30 pm but i called her and changed the location to Angsana. she came with two other persons whom i later found out were her sister and her sister's friend. she was friendly and i was quite comfortable with her. i felt like it was a double date but i didn't mind anyway. we went for lunch and sat separately though. we talked about ourselves and i learnt a bit about her. i took the chance to study her features. she has sharp nose and big eyes which pleased me very much. she's shorter than me and that makes me feel at ease. i have always had this thing about girls who are taller than me. she behaved naturally and i didn't think she was shy or anything. i acted natural as well. i wished i could spend more time with her but her mum called so she had to leave early. we bid each other goodbyes and i went home to my aunt's. i had a good time with her but i just wished that she didn't have to go home so early. it was kind of awkward bidding farewell when i noticed that her sister was watching me. she stood near to where we were, and all i could do was just to handshake the actress and say 'goodbye'. i wished i could do more than that like hugging her or something. she called me the next day and told me she wanted to do the same thing too. i just smiled hearing what she said. she's in KL now and it seems that we will not be able to meet again soon. i will be busy and so is she so i guess it is just that and occasional sms to each other. i just hope that we can remain friends for as long as we are alive cos i don't want to lose anymore friendships over petty issues.

i got back to singapore at 3 am and i immediately went to bed after my shower. i woke up at 9 on Sunday morning. thanks to the actress, she called and i was quite pleased. it means something isn't it? when you have met someone and the follow up is quite encouraging, it means that the meeting went well and she does not find a problem in you. we talked quite a bit before she left for KL. she told me how she wanted to hug me too when we bid farewell to each other. i guessed both of us were discreetly shy and trying to get comfortable with each other. she might be coming to singapore next week with her family and she said she'll call me if she is here. i might be meeting her again though. i like hearing her voice on the phone. she has this rich and sweet voice which gives you the impression that she will be short and cute, which she is. i hope she will make it to singapore this week.

i accompanied my brother to view kittens that afternoon. he wanted to buy one and there was a local breeder which he had known that has kittens to sell. he is a recognised breeder and his kittens are known to be clean, healthy, stress free and discipline but they all come with a handsome price. we got to his house at 3.45 and we viewed the kittens. they were all ragdolls and all are 2 months old. ragdolls are known to be big in size and they can grow to a length of 50cm. they are playful and also homely. he has 6 kittens and they all looked the same to me. there were only two females and 4 males. i watched them play and i observed them. i love playful and active cats. i saw one and i began to watch her. she was bigger than the rest and was renposive to my actions. i wriggled my finger infront of her and she touched my finger and when i touched her tummy, she bit my hands. she was playful and naughty. she has blue eyes and a cute sad face, i like her so i chose her and she is going to make me 1,200 SGD poorer. it's quite costly for a ragdoll actually however, the breeder is a recognised breeder and all the kittens are clean, well bred, well groomed and disciplined. she also comes with other packages, we are going to get two weeks supply of cat's litter and she will be vaccinated, there will be microchip implanted in her body for easy detection and tracing if she gets lost, there will also be handbooks given to us for proper care of her. i am going to name her Serena.

i need to go shopping for her stuffs soon cos she will be coming home in mid november and got to have her stuffs prepared. need to buy the litter tray, her shampoo, her toys, her scratch board, her collar strap and her carrier. gosh, i can't wait for her to come home. i want to play with her and i want to sleep with her. she's such a darling. i want to feed her with healthy food so that she will grow big, healthy and strong. maybe i can send her for competitions and win big money for me, what do you think diary?

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