I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, October 25, 2004

yellow woman...

dear diary, it is a very sleepy day for me. i have been yawning every 5 minutes and it is not stopping. my back body is aching. i think it is most probably due to the clothes i hanged outside the window with the bamboo pole. it required a lot of strength to carry it in and out. the weekend was good but tiring. a lot of my energy was consumed as we are in the process of spring cleaning the house. relocating, removing and rearranging of the furnitures were done on the weekend and i am so tired. i didn't do much to my room although it looks more spacious and neat now.

it was neat last time but it is even neater now cos my brother gave me his mini shelve and a full body mirror with 6 spacious compartment at the back of it which allows me to put my bags and all those little small things that has been hanging from a hanger in my room. it sure helps my room look tidy. i just need to wipe all the dust away from the mirror. it's so dusty and i couldn't have a clearer view of myself when i look at it. i still have some changes that i want to make to my room but i will do it when i have the time. i just thought of having my hiking and leisure photos up on the wall cos the wall on the left is empty. it would be a good idea to do that. i need to buy the big styrofoam and start decorating it soon if i want it up before syawal.
oh diary i have to tell you this, i didn't go to watch serena bath last week cos i was busy removing the furnitures. my brother went and he told me that it might not be serena after all. what i meant was serena might be a male kitten and so the name has to go. the breeder told us that he brought serena to the vet for the vaccination and even the vet couldn't tell the gender, it's not shown clearly yet so we have to wait for a couple of weeks till serena grows bigger. oh yes, my brother told me that she has grown bigger then the first time we saw her. i told you diary, rag dolls can grow and when i say grow i really mean it. i have decided that if it is really going to be a male, then he is going to be Hang Tuah. classic name isn't it? i like to give my pets exotic and classic names.

it adds character to the pets themselves. one of the breeder's Singapura cat is named Sang Nila Utama. cool huh? the cattery we are engaging is called Temasek cattery and every kitten's/cat's name from the cattery will start with 'Temasek', in my case if it's a male, it will be Temasek Hang Tuah, or if it's female, it will be Temasek Serena Myra. after awhile i think i want it more to be a male than female. I will call him Tuah. he's going to be a big boy. male rag dolls can grow into the size of a dog. i want him to be fat, and sturdy. i want him to be naughty and active. but he loves to bite and everytime i play with him, he will bite my hand. the vet said that he will most probably be a male so that means, we are all going to be happy cos male rag dolls tail can be very fluffy!! i think he's the handsome Hang Tuah. hehehehe....
oh you know what diary? the actress called me on saturday when i least expected her to call. she took me by surprise. we didn't talk long though cos she had to put down the phone since her friend is calling. at least she's quite thoughtful and call me sometimes. i have known people who always expect incoming phone calls but never making an effort to call back. i have learnt my lessons and i have stopped making long distance calls anymore but i still do to some who deserve it. yellow sent me an sms at 2 am last night. she said she was looking at my pictures and was feeling a little sentimental. she said she misses me very much. i replied her back but only this morning. yellow is a nice person. i think she is the only one i know who does not carelessly offend others. she's usually careful and always mind her own business.

she's a bit of the odd one usually in our group in terms of dressing up cos as far as i know shedoesn't dress up. but i like her way and she's somebody who can be your good friend in times of need. i remember those times when i was still with her. it was fun and we worked at our relationship together. it was not just a one sided love affair and hardwork. we both played a part in it and that's the good thing abt it. i still remember how i broke up with her and i knew i was cruel. she was so nice to me, she loved me unconditionally but i was just too plain stupid. i would describe her as an x gf who would do almost anything for me. she came to my life and i sent her away. i still feel sorry for her and i hope she understands why i did what i did. we are still friends and we are still on talking terms.

i hope it will remain that way. yellow has come a long way, she has a stable career now and live on her own away from her parents just like what she has always wanted. i remember she told me she had to log out immediately cos she would be ashamed towards her mother if she cried in the hall. i was speechless at that moment. if only i could be there and hold her to make her feel better. time passes by so quickly and both of us have moved on now. i still meet her occassionally and i have noticed that she has grown into a woman. i wish her all the best and hope she will achieve what she has always wanted to.

hulk and i are planning to go back to our mountaineering days. i miss those days very much. i wouldn't say i have retired from it but i took a very long time off and now have decided to become an active small time mountaineer again. we are planning to get away on weekends to Johor to climb gunung berlumut. i have climbed the mountain before but it was 6 years ago. it was fun and i enjoyed it very much. the mountain was more difficult to climb than ophir and panti also in johor. it was very steep and it even gets steeper when you are near the summit. you have to climb the mountain with both your legs and hands, just like what you would do when you are climbing a ladder. it is literally steep and you only have the natural roots and branches of the trees to hold on to.

besides that, the roots and branches can be slippery from the mud. it is really a muddy mountain i guess that's where the name derived from. it will be a test for me cos i ave not climbed for more than 6 years and this is a good time for me to check on my stamina. i have not been climbing but i have been active in other sports, like skating which is a good form of cardiovascular exercise. let's just pray that things will be fine. i am thinking of asking my brother to join. i am sure he's going to like it.

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