I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, July 9, 2010

Excuse Me, I'm Not Looking For A Boyfriend...

Dear Diary,

I went to an appointment this evening and I ended up feeling like as though it was a blind date with a man who simply is on the lookout for a girlfriend. Honestly, I felt a bit weird before meeting this guy but like I said earlier, the positivity I have about my job is tremendous that I turned all negativities into positivities.

His name is Francis and he got my number from the flyers I did my farming. I was not surprise because I believe my flyers are everywhere right now. I have given out about 3000 pieces of my flyers away and why would I be surprise if I received a call from any Tom, Dick or Harry? So Francis called me and threw rather weird questions at me. He asked if I am really Malay because my photo showed that I look like Chinese and he asked if I could speak in Mandarin and if I was married. You see Diary, as an agent, when people call the number you printed on your flyers you would expect them to ask you about things which are relevant to what your flyers represent you. Francis did not ask me any questions which are relevant to my job. Infact, he asked me personal question which I found it weird and inappropriate. He was not rude but he was too straightforward and rather bold.

The first time he called me, he asked if he could meet me. I asked if it was property related matters and he said "can also". Now Diary, how do you expect me to deduce the logic from the answer he gave me. Being new in this industry, I cannot afford to be proud neither can I afford to be too modest. I assumed that he is a guy who just wanted to know his agent first before he decides to appoint the agent to represent him. He text me this afternoon and arrange to meet. I chose the location because I merely had to be careful. He did not mention that he wanted me to come to his house, so I assumed that he could have any other intentions as well besides property. I chose starbucks at the most busiest part of Yishun.

I was early and I text him where I was seated. He was 10 mins late and it was as if he knew it was me in the photo he saw because I remembered he just came straight to my table at starbucks without the slightest hesitation that he could be wrong. He looked at me so closely that I immediately felt so very uncomfortable. Imagine this Diary, I have no whatsoever feelings toward men and having a man to look at me like that for the first time we met, gosh, that was just repulsive. Honest to God, he turned me off already!

I offered to buy him a drink since I thought (or more likely hope) that he would be my client. He declined and instead offered to buy me something to drink. As he was walking towards the counter, he turned around and walked back to my table and asked if I wanted to go somewhere else. I was already prepared to run or to show him some of my self taught karate skills but I knew he was genuine when he wanted to go to the cafe next to Starbucks since it was quieter there. I agreed and so there we were, walking side by side which just made me feel like a complete idiot.

He bought me a drink and carried on with the conversations. He asked me too much personal questions that just made me feel uncomfortable. I did not show it to him but I kind of gave him the impression that I only meant to talk about business. He asked if I had a boyfriend, he asked how often I meet my boyfriend and he asked if I have plan to marry my boyfriend. He did not catch me offguard, I answered his questions smoothly even though I paused for a couple of times before I answered. What tickles me until now is the fact that I lied to him I am engaged. Oh Diary...it just came out of my mouth and I saw him let out a big and heavy sigh. Geezz...I was really fidgetting by then but still I showed calmness.  

He told me how come I did not tell him this on the phone when he first called. My mind was racing fast and I couldn't even remember if he had asked me anything related to my status. So I asked him back did I really not tell him and I left him to do the recalling and he spontaneously blurted out that he just remembered that he did not ask me. He only asked me if I was married and I said no. Well, yeah of course I am not married. *chuckles* But I am also not engaged! hehehehehe...So he went on asking me if I have any other single girlfriend that I can introduce to him. Oh Diary...believe me, he honestly made me feel like as though I was a matchmaker. It is no wonder that my Manager advised me to have two mobile numbers and put the prepaid number on flyers instead of the postpaid number. Now I can see why...and it was a lucky thing that I put my prepaid number on my flyers when I sent it for printing.

I finished off the conversation quickly and it was a lucky thing that the cafe was closing so we left the cafe and he walked me out. He asked if I wanted to sit some more and talked with him which I really think that was so pointless. This man is looking for a girlfriend and I am looking for someone who wants to sell or buy a house. Our needs just do not match but I tried not to be rude towards him. I chatted with him for awhile in the middle of the crowd and I finally call it a night 5 minutes later.

I bid him goodbye and reminded him to call me if he has any property related matters to discuss. We shook hands and I walked away feeling rather funny. So that was how my appointment turned out to be Diary. I supposed all this will just brought laughter to me when I have finally become successful salesperson in real estate. I will probably tell this story to my associates when I have my own division. InsyaAllah...

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