I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, July 26, 2010

With or Without Her...

Dear Diary,

I finally get the chance to be with you tonight after so many frustrating nights of nonresponsive laptop. I missed you Diary. There were so much to share with you but the laptop has not been kind to me lately. The Internet Explorer got so slow and became nonresponsive. I got impatient and I threw it on the floor but it still worked after that. Well, it was not that strong of a force also and I threw this laptop from my stool which is about 50 centimeters high from the floor. 

I got so pissed at it. I just couldn't control it. But then again, I think I have always been impatient with gadgets that just wouldn't perform at its best. I smashed my handphone once, I broke my wireless mouse once, I hit my laptop so many times with my fist and now I threw it on the floor. Well, what can I say? It gives me the satisfaction and at least that helps my anger. Call me anything you want but I know I am not the only one doing it. 

Diary, I have come up with a work schedule for me to follow. I have drawn it on a piece of paper and I have pasted it on the wall. I see it everyday nowadays and ignoring it makes me feel uneasy and awkward. I have been doing it diligently. I read somewhere that I need to have directions, actions and perseverance to be successful. I am not lazy you know. I am just a little lost and confused. I am fixing my broken heart and at the same time struggling to make ends meet. No, I am not saying that life is tough. I am just stating a fact that it takes sometime for people to get back up again after a hard fall. Do you get what I mean Diary? 

I have 4 pieces of A4 papers stuck on my wall. One of them says, "Work hard from now and never give up. Imagine yourself in 5 years time!! I can do it!" and another one that says "31st August, 1) 5 room rental deals, 2) 60 blocks of farming, 3) 10 viewings, 4) $2k commission" and another says, "Wakes up at 7am everyday!! Early bird catches the worm!!".

I read them everyday. I have sort of made them my pledge where I will read each and everyone of them first every morning even before I brush my teeth. While I read them, I whisper a silent prayer to God that I am doing this for my parents. I do not have anybody else except for my family. Flying Babe is gone now and honestly, there is nothing to look forward to anymore in Subang Jaya. Don't misunderstood me Diary, going back to Subang Jaya has always been in my agenda but this time, I will do it for myself, my parents and family. With or without her, or anybody else for that matters, I will still come back.

I had a call last Friday from a woman who asked about the procedures of flat rental. She is going to rent her whole unit. I made an appointment with her and came by to find out what are her preferences. My manager came along and I watched how he did the presentation. I got some tips here and there and I think I can do it alone in the future. All I need is a good vast knowledge of the relevant procedures the clients are seeking advice on and a big confidence.

They did not want to give me the exclusivity but it is okay Diary, all I have to do now is to market her unit aggressively and get tenants for her as fast as possible. That's how efficient agents are. Exclusive or no exclusive, if you have the right tenants for your clients, you still earn. Exclusivity only gives you the right to be the sole marketing agent for that unit and stops any other agents from marketing it for the owners. Agents usually hope to get exclusivity from owners who wants to sell or rent a whole unit of a property because the commissions are bigger and better but I do not mind for now. I need the practice and exposure.

My Manager had some good words for me. I supposed he can see now the effort and hard work I have been putting into this. Honestly Diary, I know I have not been fast but I have not been slow either. I am just a late bloomer you know. I know myself.

I am going to work hard Diary. There is nothing else to do now except to work. Love is not in the air anymore so it is time to focus. It still hurts a bit but I am moving on little by little. At least now I know my love for her was strong than her love for me. But, that's okay isn't it Diary? Love is everywhere, if I am just lucky enough, I might have something better in store for me right? Oh well, never mind...somewhere out there, over the rainbow and across the oceans...she's there.

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