I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What Time And Silence Can Do

Dear Diary,

I went to my office today to get the latest listings of available flats for sale in my preferred location. I printed a few pages. I just need to check with the respective agents if the flats are still available and if they are, I will let my buyers know and will arrange viewing for them. You know Diary, I guess it is really not easy to become an agent. I usually think that it is not that difficult but after I have become one, I have to admit that I was wrong big time about it all.

How are you Diary? I am feeling feverish since 2 days ago but I have not come down with fever yet. I really hope I won't. How are things with you? Things are fine with me. There were a couple of hiccups but I am sure they are only temporary. Nothing stays forever and nobody stays the same, right?

I have begun to open up my life to a few of my friends once again. I guess I have stayed silent long enough. I am not pushing my friends away but I figured that in life, there must come a time when we have to escape from the crowd. We have to seek solitude and be on our own for awhile to do some self reflections. According to Lau Tzhu, silence is a source of great strength, to the Arabs silence is medication for sorrow, to the Latins, we have to silent ourselves before we silent others and to the Italians silence was never written down.

I have realised the utmost importance to be able to silent oneself. It is not hate that make people become very silent but it is something that the heart and mind decided to do. True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. I cannot deny that in my isolation, I have learnt to appreciate the goodness of having friends around. Whether I have met them or not, seen them or have not, they play important roles in my life shaping me into a better person and most of all teaching me how to accept a person as a whole with his strengths and weaknesses.
I have missed my friends in my silence but I carried on being silent because I felt there was a need to. It was to heal my aching heart from everything around me. From the dissapointments to the heartbreaks, from the pressures to the tensions that I have felt from within me. Diary, it is true that silence and time can heal but it takes a lot of effort and patience because the healing does not happen overnight.
During the times I have missed them, I wished I could just tell them. How good it is to be able to say something without having to worry of the implications. Or, perhaps I just worry too much. I don't know Diary.
Only time will tell...

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