I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Am Picking Up The Pace

Dear Diary,

My right feet has blisters on it and it almost killed me when I was walking to my office this evening. You know, as soon as I left my home I felt the pain because I was wearing the same heels that gave me the blisters. I wanted to go back and changed to other pair of shoes but I knew I was going to be late if I did that and so I did not. I persevered and tried to bear with the pain but the pain was too much for me when I got to the MRT station. I bought 2 pieces of plasters and fixed the blisters right there and then.

I walked some more and it felt a bit better although the pain still exist even after 2 layers of plasters on the blister. I shouldn't have worn the new heels. I knew that but you know how stubborn I can be don't you? I wanted to match my clothes with the shoes I wore and so that was what I deserved. Screw me! I got to my office just in time for the training and guess what Diary? I went to the wrong training room. The room was crowded and every seats was taken and I kind of felt embarassed to walk out of the room limping. Yes, I was almost limping because of the blister. Damn!

And so I stayed in the room hoping that somehow, the trainer stopped for toilet break so I could just dashed out of the room. I think God might have heard my prayer and the trainer stopped for awhile to get something and I saw my chance to leave the room so I did. I went to look for the right training room for my division and when I have found it, there were no more seats left for me. I did not want to grab a chair from other rooms as I knew I would be the center of attention and you know how I hate to be one especially when I was late. So I decided to forgo this training and went home. After all the walking with a blistered feet!!

I have posted advertisements for the whole unit for rent online and I got a couple of phone calls from agents making enquiries on it. I have decided to rent it at $2k and will have to be fast on making appointments for viewing. I have one potential viewing appointments. Let's pray it will go through ok? On my way to the office, I checked my mail and I got an email from a woman who wants to lease one of her common room. I replied her email instantaneously. I am beginning to believe that as an agent you really do need a good smart phone that allows you to work while you are on the move. It is good to have one.

Being an agent, your most precious working tools are most likely your mobile phones and a laptop. My laptop is almost going bonkers but I still have my iPhone and at least I can do a bit from it especially when I use a lot of online marketing techniques to advertise my listings and to do my research. I am going to send my netbook for repair and upgrading (if it is compatible). I have checked with the technician already and I need to close one deal first before I can do that. Please Allah, hear my prayers.

Oh Diary, I haven't told you that I will be marketing my own house to sell have I? I have cancelled my sale transaction with my current buyers because they cannot come up with the money to buy. There are a lot of hassles to cancel and I have to pay a lot of miscellaneous fees which is really pissing me off. But I am not losing my temper yet. I just take this as something positive because in this case, I can save a lot on agent's commission. Since I am already a qualified agent, I do not need to engage another agent to sell my house. And I also do not need the service of an agent to look for a new house. All in all, I can save about $10k in agents commission alone. Yeah Diary...it is true. If I were to engage the service of an agent to sell my house, I have to pay him 2% of commission out of my selling price which can fetch about $7.8k and another 1% of commission to look for a house for me which can reach up to $3k. So now you know why agents always seem to be cash rich, right?

Well, that's how we earn and that is merely for HDB sell and buy transactions. We have not talk about private properties yet which cost $900k and above over here. Good money isn't it Diary? Well, I have not been there yet but I hope I will someday. My focus now is to do HDB first. 80% of Singaporeans live in HDB flats and most of them are common people. I like to deal with common people first because they and I, we have something in common. Private properties markets are mostly for the senior agents and for the rich and famous. I still do not have the confidence yet to deal with those class of people, I do not want to make a fool of myself. Let's just start humbly first ok.

Oh well Diary, I got to go. I need to sleep. Tomorrow is a long day for me. I am waking up at 7 remember? The early bird catches the worm and I wanna be the early bird. So, good night Diary. May warmth embraces you in this cold cold night...   

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