I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Miracles In Believe...

Dear Diary,

I am so tired now that I can fall asleep in a second if I lay my head down on my pillow. However, I believe I must write what happened today so I have a record of my progress in my career.  I had a viewing appointment tonight in Sembawang for Mdm Tan and how I am so glad that I could meet her personally. I did not have high hopes for her to buy the unit even though it was within her budget. I was looking forward to meet her personally so I could have an unofficial chit chat session to study what she really wants out of her desire to upgrade into a bigger flat.

I did not really feel confident that I can fix a viewing appointment with her tonight. As I was doing my research, I came across a flat in Sembawang that matched her budget and criteria. She seemed ok with it and I proceeded to arrange for the viewing. We went to view the house together and I kind of knew she would change her mind. After viewing the house, she told me now that she would still prefer Yishun than Sembawang. I do not mind at all. For all I know at least now I have met her and I can really study her intentions. She is not in a hurry to buy and she is fickle minded. The truth is, she does not really know what she wants.

I talked a lot to her when I met her. I guessed that will be my only opportunity to study her and educate her on what she really needs to know about buying a house. She seems gullible about the process but I knew it is my duty to advise her. It is clear now that she has changed her mind about the location and so, it is really a blessing that I got to meet her tonight. I know what she really wants now and it is even easier for me to find a house for her in Yishun with her budget.

When I met her, I was kind of surprise because I expected her to be old. Well, she introduced herself as Madam Tan to me and since I was young, whenever I had to call my teacher Madam "something", my teachers always have to be old. Since then I always associate old women with the status ''Madam". I supposed she is in her late thirties and has lived in Singapore for 12 years. Her hometown is in Segamat nd I taalked to her about Tangkak and how I often go there to spend my weekend. At least I have something with her in common and so I can make her feel comfortable with me.

She seemed ok and I honestly feel comfortable serving her even though she is fickle minded and has no idea of the processes involved in buying and selling a house. She told me that I look young and prettier in person than in my name card. I almost choked laughing at her comments. Well Diary, at least now I know some people think I look old and ugly in my name cards. What am I feeling now..."perasan" maybe....Come on Diary, you know and I know those are just a figure of speech. Let it rest now.

I am going to focus now. You know I have been doing lots of thinking about my career. At least Mdm Tan gave me some hope that I will make it in this industry because I look prettier in person than in my name cards!! *Chuckles* That was a joke Diary! Don't you freaking dare think for a second that I am in the "syiok sendiri" mode. I have to say something to motivate myself.  Ok Ok...let's get serious now. At least with tonight's viewing, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can only see it clearly if I manage to reach the end of it and I know I will. It will happen when you believe right? Just about 10 mins ago, someone posted something about believing in something to achieve what we desire in Facebook, which is most likely to be success.

Yeah, I can see the meaning with better clarity now. Napoleon Hill once said, what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. I chose to believe because some things have to be believed to be seen. If I believe I can, I can. If I believe I can't, well then, I surely can't. Be with me Diary, I need you by my side. 

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