I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, January 15, 2018

Back From Sabah

Dear Diary,

I came back from Sabah on the 12th of January. My flight was delayed for two hours and I had to think of something for my dad. We only had breakfast and rushed to the airport skipping lunch but ironically our flight got delayed. I knew mom and dad were hungry and we were already checked into the boarding gate. Luckily we were allowed to go back to the departure hall and I brought dad to Starbucks, grabbed himself a cup of tea, a chicken pie and 2 packets of chips. Mom waited at the boarding gate, she did not come out with us. Mom did not have anything and I had forgotten to buy her something from Starbucks. I felt really bad about it. But she had mushroom soup on the plane. I did not have anything as I am watching my diet. I have already lost 2 kg from my exercise routine and I do not want to spoil it. 

I am in a bit of a hurry now. I need to study for my Highway Code. The tests are on 16th of January and I have to make sure I pass them. I cannot afford to fail. The one day course for the Highway Code was interesting. I wish I have more time now to tell you stories but I don't. I need to study and do lots of memorising work. Oh, please pray for me I will pass in one sitting ok. Talk to you again soon.  

Got to go now.
Take care Diary. 

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