I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Practice Really Makes It Perfect

Dear Diary,

The hike to Bukit Berekeh was not easy neither was it tough. I would say that it was challenging in the sense inclination was steep and the terrain was slippery with loose rocks although it was not raining. One false move and you could be tumbling down and if you are out of luck, you could be badly injured if you fall out of trek and into the ravine. Yes, I am serious.

There were 42 of us. I was in the first group. I was the second female climber to reach the summit. It was short but it was quite a challenge. This time I made sure I had 1 extra set of batteries as I know my headlight is 300 lumens and uses lots of electricity. I climbed with Nad. She was always at the front and I followed her closely behind. I saw how Nad has improved. Her pace was like mine and I was kind of surprise with her performance.

I have been encouraging Sarah and Nad to jump rope at home for at least 25 minutes daily. And Nad has been doing it with discipline. She also trains hard outside with Sarah. She goes for short hikes over the weekend. With the jump rope practice at home and the weekend short hikes, she has significantly improved. You see what practice does to a person Diary? I would like to stress that practice makes perfect. I know I have said it before but I would like to reiterate.

We are preparing ourselves for Rinjani and it is important to train hard. Another one of our friends will join us. So there will be 4 of us. I would say that she is just an acquaintance to me. Her mother runs a restaurant business in USJ and I have been to her restaurant a couple of times recently. I know that restaurant very well. I used to have dinner and lunch there when I was living in USJ. Going there brings back memories. It was still the same like before. Nothing much has changed since the last time I went there 9 years ago.

But I never saw her before. All I could remember was her mother. She was 17 at that time and I guess she was too young to take over the business. Now she is 27 and she is taking over the family’s business so she is always at the restaurant. She did not believe I am 40 years old. She was shocked and I smiled at her. Apparently, she is a friend of Nad. They know each other well and sometimes we get discounts. Well, not that we come there for the discounts but the food they serve taste really good. I am honest about it. Her restaurant serves good food, affordable price and friendly and polite owner so what more could you ask for? I just hope she knows what she is signing for when she agreed to go to Rinjani.

Anyway, I am resting my muscles today. I think I am also resting myself. I am still sleepy and tired. I will be going to Tangkak again tomorrow with mother. It will be just the two of us. I have a hike in the second week of February. I need to train hard. I need to work on my core. I have two weeks to train before the hike. It is time to focus on forex and also e-commerce now. I am still following my schedule. It is just that I am taking a break today. I have done packing for tomorrow and I will start working on Thursday. Oh, wow…there are so many things to do now.

I must train physically for Rinjani. I must finish my online store. I must start reading forex chart. I must memorise Doa Qunut, oh Diary I am actually at line 9 already. Not bad huh? Well, discipline that is what it is all about. You walk the talk. 

I got to go now Diary. Take care.   


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