I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Let's Be Healthy

Dear Diary,

I am going to tell you how I spent my day today. I woke up at 730 am and skipped Subuh. That was not a good start. My gym session was at 9am and I was kind of lazy to go. I did not take shower and I got dressed for the gym. Halfway through, I failed to find my buff and I was discouraged to go. I moved slowly contemplating to go or not. I looked at the watch and it was 830am. I was halfway dressed. I forgot about my buff and I put on my cap. I thought to myself let’s start the day with some productive activity. Forget about all the miseries and let’s do something good for myself. Think about my goals, think about my dreams. Dreams without goals are just fantasies. To make the dreams into realities, we have to achieve goals we set.

I put on my Nike gym jacket and I made my way to the gym. The gym is walking distance from my house. While walking, I voice chatted to Nad and Sarah. I talked and talked and talked until I cannot talk anymore. I supposed they are the only friends I have that I communicate with the most. We have formed a group chat and there are 3 of us. I have not told you much about them, have I?

Sarah and Nad are a couple. I knew them from my hiking trip to Gunung Irau in Cameron Highlands. We became close from there and we have hiked few mountains together, usually day hike as both of them are not used to carrying loads to hike. I climbed Kinabalu with them, and we went white water rafting together. This end January, I will be hiking Bukit Berekeh with Nad. Sarah cannot make it as she is going for a boathouse tour with her friends. So it will just be Nad and I. I will also climb Rinjani with them and we are going to Lombok together. So you see Diary, if I haven’t known them I would still be going hiking and places but most likely alone by myself. With them around, I have company and it sure good to have company while travelling especially the ones you are comfortable with.

People come into our lives for reasons and people leave for reasons too. Right now, I am appreciating their good companies and friendships. So back to my story, I reached the gym at 9am and the fitness instructor took my body composition readings. It was my first session and I got all my readings done for my body mass index, percent body fat, body weight, lean body mass, body water and basal metabolic rate. I am in a safe zone. My body mass index is 22. I have gained weight, thanks to all the seafood in Sabah and now I am set to lose the weight again. My target weight loss is 5kg in 1 month. I will weigh myself weekly and monitor my progress.

So I did the circuit training and also the vibrations. The fitness instructor told me about the packages they have. This is expected as I signed up for their trial sessions. I remember their prices and I thought to myself, why would I want to pay $599 for 48 sessions of gym training when I can use at the public gym at the neighbourhood stadium for $2 per entry. I signed up for their trial sessions because I wanted to get tips and also do my body composition measurement. Now that I have accomplished my mission, I will enjoy another 2 sessions and then I am out of there. I learn and I remember the tips they gave me so I can apply on my own. I know now that I need to lose my excess bad body fat of 1.6kg. My lean body mass is at 39.7kg. So when I have turned that 1.6kg into lean body mass, I will not have any bad fat left in my body and my lean body mass is increased.  

After the gym session, I went to buy some stationeries. I bought 2 mini whiteboards, markers, stapler and also the whiteboard duster. I am writing down all my daily schedules and things to do on the board and going to hang it on the wall for me to read. They will be my mantras, my motivations to achieve my goals. They will be my guidelines. Forex, e-commerce and uber, these 3 will be my sources of income. My progress will be recorded and will be displayed on the wall. I am going to set myself on fire, burn with positivity and bring success to my family.

So I came home and took shower and mom asked if I wanted to accompany her to a health coaching talk. I had plans today to upload my Sabah holiday photos on Facebook. I feel bad if I decline mom’s offer so I followed her. It was not that bad. I learnt more about health and fitness from the talk. It was conducted by a doctor from the hospital near my home. It was all about healthy eating habits we must develop in order to gain a healthy lifestyle. One good thing I learn from this talk is knowledge and education, do not make you healthy, what actually does is action from you from the education and knowledge you have about health. It makes sense, a lot of sense. I have signed up to be a member of this programme. The next talk will be on 30th January and I cannot wait. I need to learn and do more. I am all pumped for better health and wealth. World, the giant in me is emerging. I am on a journey of self-discovery, self-respect, self-control and self-love.

A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself.  

Watch me Diary. 

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