I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, January 19, 2018

I Am...

Dear Diary,

I have told you I have come up with a timetable for myself. I am following it with so much discipline. There are some areas I have to improve but I am doing fine so far. I feel good and I cannot wait to become better day by day. I am ignoring all the negativities in my life and my focus now is to move forward to achieve my goals and surround myself with people who genuinely love me unconditionally. 

There are at least 6 things I must do daily from the moment I open my eyes till the time I call it a day. They are; pray on time five times daily, workout for about 25 minutes, breakfast, shower, housework, read, write and then work on my e-commerce/forex and the next coming up is Uber. Yes Diary, I am so close to completing my process of becoming an Uber family. I will have three streams of income soon. Syukur Alhamdulillah. 

I am loved. I am going to be successful. I am going to be happy. This is the power of "I am". I am blessed. Thank you Allah for making me realise what are my priorities.  

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