I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, January 1, 2018

My 2018 Goals

Dear Diary,

Happy New Year. It is 2018 and I have written down the things I want to do and the things I want to have. Like I said, writing them down means I am serious about it. The list consists of intrinsic and extrinsic values such as hobbies, finance, health & fitness, materials and spiritual.

Under hobbies, I included the number of mountains I want to climb and where are those mountains. There are 10 new mountains I want to climb in Malaysia, and I will climb Rinjani in Indonesia, Fuji in Japan and hopefully Mount Apo in the Philippines.

For finance, I have listed down my ideal income per month from E-commerce, Forex and Uber. I have not started Uber yet but I will soon. I am targeting a total combined income of USD4000 monthly. Uber will be in SGD while E-commerce and Forex will be in USD. However, you do realise I have to work hard at it. It will not come easy. Opening up a company will be in the pipeline as I need to register my income. This is for my plan to apply for Malaysia My second Hope Programme. The process could be long as it will involve loads of money and I am working on it.

For materials, I am focusing on getting my house keys by September 2018 and I want to buy a Toyota Harrier or a Toyota Fortuner by June 2018. I will pay by cash. I do not want to take a loan as it will be troublesome for me. I need to get a local guarantor and there will be a lot of paperwork and documents for me to submit. Buying the car in cash is the best option. I am not sure what I am going to do with Avanza. If I am getting a Fortuner, I think I might sell Avanza away and if I am getting a Harrier, I might keep Avanza. What do you think Diary? I have to make a choice when the time comes. Keeping two cars can be costly since I will not be driving them often. Annually, there will be road tax and insurance I have to renew and why do I need two cars when I will be in Singapore most of the time? With a house I can call my own and a car in Singapore, I think I will spend more time in Singapore. I can visit mom and dad in Tangkak every weekend, right? Oh well, we will see about it.

Under spiritual, I want to pray 5 times daily on time. I want to be punctual in my prayers and I want to memorise Doa Qunut. I want to score more pahala when I pray Subuh. I have come out with a plan, I will memorise a single line daily and when I finally memorise all of the lines, I will recite those lines one by one and there you go. See Diary…we have to be creative and innovative.

Under health & fitness, I want to lose 5 kg. I want to have a well-toned biceps and triceps. I want to lose belly fat and have 8 packs. I want stronger core muscles to climb the mountains and a lean and trim body. It is an all women’s gym where no men are allowed. I am excited. My first lesson will be on 14th of Jan. I signed for the trial lesson and if I am comfortable with it, I think I might sign up for the membership and engage myself a personal fitness trainer. I need to have one in the beginning so I know what to do to build those muscles.  

Now, let’s see what else do I have? Oh wait, what about love? There is no resolution for Love. Who has a resolution for love anyway? It sounds funny. Oh what the heck, I wish I can find a woman who loves me genuinely, who does not mind long distance relationship, who plan with me on my dreams to move to Malaysia, who motivates me to execute my plan, who inspires me unconditionally, who loves me when I am broke and loves me more when I am rich, who gives me a virtual morning kiss everyday, who speaks to me to my heart, who would drive 5 hours just to see me, who would travel the world on a budget with me, who would eat from the same plate, drink from the same cup and sleep in the same bed, who would pray for the same things with me, who would work together to become better Muslims with me, who would accept my weaknesses and strengthens my strengths, who hugs me when I am sad, who touch my heart with her kindness that only I can feel, who would wait patiently for me to come home come what may; and I promise her that I will do the same. Are they too much Diary? I do not think so…those are the simple things in life that must exist in every relationship but we all know I am never going to achieve it. I never will. 

Pray for me and pray for the world, Diary

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