I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, January 20, 2018

I Am At Line Three

Dear Diary,

I am at line three of doa qunut. I am memorising each line daily until I memorise it then I move on to the next line. It has 12 lines so I guess it will take me  12 days to memorise it by hard. I cannot wait until the day I can pray Subuh with reciting doa qunut.

I have been skipping doa qunut for as long as I have started praying subuh. And now, I am determined to remember it so I can recite it in my daily Subuh prayers. It is not wrong to skip it but you will gain more if you recite it. Well, I am getting older and death is so near to me now...I supposed why don' t I do what I can do to gain more good deeds for investments come judgement day.

We will all die eventually.

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