I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, April 15, 2005

i am tired

dear diary,

i am finally able to wear my sneaker after almost one month of avoiding it. my toe nail is 90 percent recovered now and i am letting it grow longer. i am so afraid to cut it short anymore. tomorrow is my first practical lesson with real car. i am done with the simulator and moving on to lessons in a real car on the road. i really wonder how am i going to fair. i have driven a real car only once and that was in jb when my x girlfriend taught me how. i drove for only 3 meters and i ended up laughing. i have to wake up at 6 in the morning and get prepared to leave home at 7.

it's sickening to wake up early in the morning on weekends. i always thought that weekends are for us to oversleep ourselves. dad told me to wake up early in the morning to pray subuh which i have often neglected. i have managed to pray for the others except for subuh. maybe i can start doing so tomorrow and make it a habit. i am thinking of my late brother so much nowadays. i know that i am missing him and i can only afford to acknowledge that.

you know what diary? my brain is tired, i can't think so i can't write. talk to you later. take care.

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