I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, April 21, 2005

oooppss i did it again..

dear diary, i wouldn't say that i have made a mistake but i would say that i have been careless. as much as i wanted it to happen, i am also afraid for it to happen. i am afraid because somebody might get hurt and i don't want her to get hurt but at the same time, i cannot help it because i like the idea of A going steady with me.

the mistake i made was to get involve with more than one girl in one period. i am not looking for fun or out to hurt people's feelings but i just like women's company. i enjoy it very much and sometimes i get too carried away with it. i don't really know how to describe it but i am sorry for myself and them sometimes. i wish i could undo what i have done. they are waiting for me to come there for good and from my instincts, they might even consider of going steady. i feel so lousy sometimes, i feel like executing myself.

diary, how are you doing? i am yawning away as a result of not having sufficient sleep. as i am writing to you, i cannot stop to day dream frequently getting distracted with the yawns. i am tired diary and very sleepy too. if i may, i will drop myself to the floor and sleep right there right now, unfortunately i can't. diary, i am wondering what could aramis be doing right now. is she thinking of me like how i am thinking of her? it's amazing that i can still feel for her even after all these times.

6 years of having on and off long distance relationship, it's really something. i don't really know what does she want from me now. she's had me too many times but she just put it to waste. i am tired of proposing and tired of waiting. whoever replaces me, i wish them success. i don't know what to write anymore. my eyes are tired, my brain is not functioning like it's supposed to, my fingers are numb from the cold weather and i have been yawning since i started writing. it's time to turn in to bed. please excuse me diary, i will write to you again tomorrow when my energy suffices to write.

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