I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, May 19, 2005

chicken pie can taste good

dear diary, little sister called this morning and she didn't sound her usual self. i don't know what's wrong with her but she didn't sound cheerful like she always does. i don't know if it has to do with the confession but i hope she is cool about it all. she slept at 4 am last night and woke up at 7 in the morning today. i told her to go home and sleep cos she really needs the sleep. study has said that if a person is sleep deprived, he will get very edgy and grumpy. he will lose focus easily and his concentration level will drop gradually. it has also been said that people who is food deprived can last for 11 days but if he is sleep deprived, he only can lsst shorter than 11 days. look how serious it is when you are sleep deprived. little sister has shown that signs and i know she has not been sleeping well. i hope she takes good care of herself and not to neglect her health and well-being. i tried not to bring up the subject but i just thought i have to. she sounded distress on the phone so i told her if it is about the confession, just take it easy. i am sure that time will take care of everything.

i received a call from chicken pie and she told me about her plan over this weekened. did i tell you she is coming diary? she's going for a cruise and the cruise is leaving from singapore world trade centre at noon on sunday. she will leave kl for singapore tomorrow at 6 and will probably reach at midnight. if only i had my license already, i could fetch her from golden mile and send her to her cousin's place at ang mo kio. it's near to my place about 20 minutes drive. damn...if only i had start my driving lessons earlier i am sure i would have gotten my license already! damn!! anyway, we have made arrangements to meet on sunday morning at world trade centre. she's going to be with her cousins and i hope it's not too awkward for us especially me with strangers around. it's been a while since we last met but i feel like we have met for many times. probably because we talk a lot on the phone and have gotten comfortable with each other.

i have to give her the toothbrush she's been waiting for and i think i will get her a card or something. i am quite excited to meet her but knowing that her cosins will be present has created quite a bit of a turn off. i really wonder when do i get to meer her alone to have an up close and personal conversation. the first time i met her was a double date with her sister and this time round, her cousins are going to be around. damn! it's sickening at times. chicken pie sounded very lovely on the phone just now. this is one thing about her that i like so much. she can sound so much like a woman you know and i like that. she's like the no nonsense girl and it's so easy to get her to understand something that you are trying to tell her. she's sharp and matured. i think it's probably because of the nature of her job. being a personal assistant in a law firm makes her always on her toes and efficient. i imagine sometimes that she would be my PA someday when i own my own law firm. it's going to be fun and perhaps we can have sex on my desk in my room! *LOL* ohh my god, what am i thinking?? excuse me diary but i was just kidding ok. don't think of me like i am a pervert or a sex maniac. i didn't mean what i say, it's just something i said out of jest.

diary, i am thinking of my late brother suddenly. i am feeling sad now. i have to go. catch you later ok. please take care.

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