I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, May 5, 2005

looking for a place for me

dear diary, i saw satria on yahoo messenger two nights ago. we chatted and i think i might be her housemate soon if everything works according to plan. it all started when i asked her about a suitable place to stay near to the college i will be studying at. the college offers accomodations for students but i would like to keep my options open and if i can get a place to stay which is cheap, affordable and safe why not? she's renting an apartment somewhere in some place known to be an elite area. i might be taking one room from her. it's not vacant right now but it will be soon just before the time for me to move in.

the current tenant might be moving out to penang and that leaves the room empty. i am not sure yet but we'll just have to wait till the time comes which is not too far away from now. satria told me that her place is not too near neither it is far from the college but since i will be driving, then there shall be no problem to get to college. it takes 30 minutes approximately to get there excluding the traffic jams. i just figured that i will not get caught in the traffic jams as definitely my school hours will not clash with the office hours. neverthless, i should be mentally prepared to face the traffic there and be prepared to get stuck in traffic jams.

chicken pie called me just after i took my shower and i told her about the accomodation thing. i just thought she would be happy and glad for me that i am able to find cheap safe place to stay but instead she didn't sound really happy about it. she asked who am i going to stay with and assumed that she's one of the girls i am fond with. she was joking and teasing me but i just sense something else. she told me that it is far from the college and traffic will be bad and it will be more expensive than i think it might be because of petrol and toll. she sounded uptight when she told me about the disadvantages of living there and then made it up to me by telling me that she does not meant to scare me but she just wants to give me her honest opinion. i didn't say much, i just let her talk.

from my experience the tone of her voice sends me a signal that she's upset but i can't figure out what is she upset about. i believe everything she said about traffic, tolls and petrol but i couldn't help to wonder why did she have to be uptight about it when it's not even confirm i will be putting up there? i explained to her that i need a place which is cheap and comfortable. i'll be paying the rent out of my own pocket money and of course i have to find one which allows me to stay within my budget. i have an offer from satria and i know it's going to be comfortable and safe cos satria and i have been long distance friends for more than 5 years. i was surprised at chicken pie's reaction because i knew she knows about my financial plight, i didn't expect her to be so uptight about it. in the midst of the small argument, i asked if she can find me a place which is cheap and safe but yet i will feel comfortable living in?

she said she will find me a place and said her colleague might be able to take me in. for goodness sake, how can i even be comfortable living in with a total stranger on my first day few thousands kilometers away from home? that's the thing about this whole argument, she just can't see the point i am trying to make here. it's just like the time when she wanted me to come to KL a few days earlier so that she can have more time to spend with me but she didn't think if i would be comfortable putting up at her place with the whole family. do you remember diary? it was during CNY and i had to think of excuses to politely decline her offer. what really puzzles me is the fact that we are not even attached to each other. i didn't really counter attack her arguments because i never take it seriously anyway, i let her do the talking most of the times. i had to cut the conversation short cos i was rushing to catch the Asar prayer time and told her i had to go before the time is up. she understands and i rushed to get the wudhu but it proved that i spent too much time on the phone. i had to forgo Asar and i don't know who to blame. *grins* the phonecall delayed me but i don't want to think about it.
you know diary, i got so excited watching amazing race. i think this time round i am really getting emotionally involved. i like rob and ember team and i hope they will be the winner for this season. ron and kelly are their toughest competitor and they are the one who rob and ember should watch out for. ohh geess, i think i will be very dissapointed if rob and ember lose the race. ohhh please make them win. TCS 5 is not showing anymore of The Practice on tuesday night. i don't know why, it is probably end of season and i feel so wasted cos i missed the season final episode last tuesday. i hope that it will come back soon cos i really love the practice. talking about tv programmes, The OC, One Tree Hill and Everwood are playing tonight and i am so excited. you know what diary, i still haven't called the rag and bone man to collect the tv. i think i should already, it's good to have extra cash in hand.

you know i went to east coast on sunday night and i ate seafood. i am so crazy over seafood, i ate cockles, squid, and those, you know, what do you call them? snail?? and those siput sedut..hahaha...really don't know what you call them in english. i love seafood you know. i have fixed menu if i am having seafood, i just love seafood that i think i will never get tired of it. i love chiili squid, tomato crabs, those snails in white big shells (i don't know what it's called in malay and english *grins*), cockles, siput sedut, lala, ehhh, i think i love all seafood lah. goshhh the one stall at newton serves good tasty seafood. i love to have my seafood there, there's another one at lau pa sat, but go to the chinese stall, they cook better seafood than the malay stall there. however, the chinese stall is not Halal so if you mind, then just settle for the malay stall. i love the chinese buns there, they are serve big, hot and crispy! you eat them with the chilli crab sauce and you can never stop.

i actually had plans to take the flying waitress there you know, cos i remember she mentioned to me about having chilli crabs when i went out with her the second time but i guess it's not meant to be. *smiles and shrugs* there's another one seafood stall at JB, i think it's called Lido, it's popular for it's fried baby crab and it's chilli siput sedut, some people call it chuk chuk is it? i go crazy over seafood but i know i have to control my intake as they are high in cholestrol. probably i will bring my family there to eat some day on my treat. i am sure they are going to love it. i am so hungry right now diary and i am starting to crave for so many things. i think i better stop now. you take care, bye.

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