I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

tuesday night is not tuesday night anymore

dear diary, i have nothing to look forward to on tuesday night anymore. TCS5 has stopped showing The Practice and The Alias has taken over it. i don't quite like the Alias because i do not watch it from the beginning furthermore, it does not interest me that much. i am not in love with any of the characters so i find it boring even though the genre is action. monday night seems usual with nothing much changing, i am not an avid fan of The Casino but i think i might be one soon. last week one character from that drama caught my attention. i have watched The Casiono every monday but i have never really get attracted with any of the characters however, last monday changed everything. she's black and british and she speaks with an accent. she's so gorgeous and sexy when she tried to do her job to break up an argument on the casino floor between an american gentleman and some bristish rowdy chelsea soccer fans.

it was really sexy and captivating to watch a woman handles tough situations like that. she was in her executive suit, high heels and hair done nicely, her long legs and her dark skin look all so perfect to me. not only she speaks with an accent but she speaks with wit and humour but at the same time firm. i fell in love with her character immediately and i guess credit should be given to the real her for bringing the character to life. i want a woman like that diary...a woman like that makes me nervous and drools. goshhh, she is so sexy!!

someone from the housing development board came yesterday to take pictures of our house to value it. dad and mum are selling it to us and the proper procedure is to get the valuation of the house first. we have gone to HDB and make enquiries about it. my brother and i are not elligible to take up loans from HDB as both of us are still single and below 35 years old. the banks are our only options and i am just concern of the repayment period and amount.

from what i understand HDB loans are provided up to only 80 percent of the selling price and i am wondering if it is the same with banks. if only 80 percent of loan is provided, that means we have to come up with 20 percent of the total sale price first either by cash or CPF. dad bought the house for 320,000 dollars and i hope he sells to us at below valuation price. i am doing some mental calculation here, if he sells to us at 260,000 dollars, 20 percent of that price is 52000 dollars. i think my CPF and my brother's CPF have enough to pay the 20 percent upfront. now, banks give repayment period up to 30 years and 260,000 minus the 20 percent upfront payment will give 208,000 dollars. ok diary, i am calculating the maths without interest so the figures here might not tally with the actual one.

208,000 divided by 30 years gives us, 6933 dollars and 6933 dollars divided by 12 months in a year is 577 dollars per month. from my estimation, if we add that amount with interest, it would be about 600 dollars per month. so that means, from my rough calculation and estimation, we are paying 600 dollars for mortgage loan monthly for 30 years. split that into two and each of us will be paying 300 dollars per month. if we split that into 3, it will be 200 dollars per month. that's not so bad if i work but when i am not working anymore, it can be quite of a headache. even if we have to top up cash, at least it would still be better off than the current situation because i know dad pays about 1000 cash for the house right now for mortgage. nevertheless, we would be in a better position after the sale transactions have been complete.

i hope things will be better for us and all of us will manage somehow. i know that every problem has its solutions and it is either that we are a part of the problem or we are a part of the solution. we have tried to make it right and come to a sound and most practical solution, so i hope the bright sides are on our side and that none of us have to make big sacrifices to solve this issue. i have thought of ways to overcome this concern and i have made many enquiries and research to come to a conclusion and i have lay out my plans and suggestions to my family members. i have pushed for my brother to get the process done fast and not to dilly dally with it. i have never stopped praying and i have never stopped believing that He hears my prayers and i hope he will not dissapoint me.

i know i can depend on my family and each one of us have our own specialty to overcome our flaws. we may have had our disagreements but i know when we are faced with problems that concern the whole family, we will survive and make it through no matter how difficult it is, no matter how long it takes, we will pull through just like how we did after having lost one member of our family. i am so sure that if my late brother would have been alive, he would try his level best to contribute his efforts, money and energy to help solve the problem. he's gone now but his spirits still live on with us and we are carrying them in the background. he may be physically departed but i know his courage and determination are in our souls.

diary, my younger cousin is getting engage next weekend and i know this will create talks among my aunties about my status. i know they have been talking and wondering but i have been quiet without saying a word. i pity mum and dad sometimes but i know that i don't have to get married to make them happy. i can expand the family without getting married can i? i can give them grandchildren without getting pregnant can i? it's all about waiting and i hope they are able to wait. it is either my brother or myself now and it looks like none of us are going to get married. my brother is so busy with his work and studies while i am just busy with my own thoughts. i have plans of my own and it will make my parents happy, it's just a matter of time. i will make them the happiest parents ever with love, affections and attentions that money can never buy, this i promise them.

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