I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, May 15, 2005

money is indeed what everything's about

dear diary, it was the last episode of survivor last night and everybody knows who is the winner now. it is Tom, the fire fighter and i think he deserves it. he is a very athletic guy winning most of the immunity challenges till the very last episode. he is forty years old but can be a great challenge to the young people physically. have you noticed something about the current trend now diary?

reality television programmes are in and in countries like the America where entertainment is everything, ordinary folks like you and i are able to be fifty thousand richer or millionaires just by doing some stunts, enduring living in an island away from civilisation and to be the first to reach at the final destination after travelling almost around the world. it looks like people no longer need to depend on lottery to get rich quick since there are many other alternatives available. and what's even more attractive, apart from standing a chance to win big money, if you happen to have some commercial qualities which can be valuable to the producers, you might win yourself some fame as well.

i would love to know what it feels like to have a cheque of one million dollars with your name on it. it sure feels good and i am sure will make all problems go away. let's face it, many of the primary problems people face concerns money, outstanding bills, mortgage loans, personal loans, study loans, renovation loans and even domestic problems are caused by money. i have often heard that money cannot buy everything but in actual fact you do need money to buy everything in this modern digital world. the world has changed and people don't exchange goods anymore instead they buy and to buy goods, people need money.

experiences have taught me that it is crucial to be cash rich, my insurance advisor has told me once that many singaporeans are CPF rich instead of cash rich. he is probably right because personally i have come across many people who are without savings. they depend wholly on their salary and are always broke by end of the month before their next pay day. it is somewhat sad but we just can't help it. i have been there and done that before. it feels very miserable to have to be dependent so much on your salary without having any savings. what's even worse, there are too many outstanding bills to be settled and you are almost into something which is over your head. if you are not careful, you might drown and it's very dangerous.

i am glad i have graduated from those days and believe me, it sure feels good now to be debt free with reasonable amount of extra cash in hand. if i had won a million dollars, i would set aside a hundred thousand dollars for charity. i would donate it to the orphanage and the mosques on behalf of the whole family excluding my youngest brother. i would give dad, mum and my eldest brother each a hundred thousand dollars with the conditions that they are not allowed to use the money to finance my youngest brother's undertakings if he were face with any financial difficulties. i will pay the remaining mortgage loan and the car loan for my family.

i will build the dream house mum always wanted on her plot of land back at her hometown. it will be the most perfect and beautiful house. those are the few things i want to do if i won myself a million dollars. *chuckles* yeah, but those are just fantasies which is possible but difficult to bring to life. perhaps i will be only half or maybe a quarter to a millionaire in twenty years time when i get my insurance pay out. *chuckles* oh how pitiful i am to have to wait for twenty years before i am able to be at least a quarter of a millionaire. *giggles*

talking about insurance, i need to get another policy from NTUC. this is more of a necessity because i might have to take up study loan and i am planning to use the three years once payout to service the loan. i have it all planned and i hope i am successful in getting the loan so mum needs not have to be burden with financing my studies. with my savings and the loan i think it suffices for me to get by. i just have to live moderately and not too expect too much luxury. we are reaching the end of May and i am all excited about the whole thing. please make it go smoothly for me and i will be the most happiest woman on earth.

little sister's gift has arrived but there was no one at home to receive it. i have to collect the gift from the nearest post office from tomorrow onwards. the parcel will be redirected from the main post office to the one nearest my home. i cannot wait to collect it. i want to look at my little sister!! she will surely be excited if she knows i have got her parcel. she called me on sunday and asked if i had received the parcel. she sounds cheerful and noisy as usual. i wonder how would it be like if we have met. she's shorter than me and that is why i assume she's cute.

short people are usually cute just like chicken pie. little sister told me about her cousin who just passed away. she was only 17 and she died of liver cancer. i feel sorry for her and i know how does it feel like. i tried to divert her attention from her cousin but i guess she was focussing on that topic. she told me how she felt about the whole thing and when is it going to be her turn. she asked how come it's so easy for her cousin to leave and why is she still here. somehow i believe little sister is frustrated over her condition. many times she told me how she gets so irritated over people who befriended her over sympathy. she gets annoyed when people change towards her just because she has leukemia.

everybody seems so nice and kind and she hates it. i didn't say much when she complaint to me, i just listened to her because i know she doesn't need me to say anything. she just wants me to listen and i will do just that. as much as i want to explain to her about it all still, i have to put her needs at the top priority. she doesn't need anymore explanations, she just needs a friend who would treat her like any other girls regardless whether she is sick or not. i will be that friend of hers, we will not talk about her illness and there will be no special treatment. i am going to treat her the same like how i treat my other friends, if i happen to treat her extra special, that is only because she is my little sister.

little sisters get special treatments from big sister most of the times so she has nothing to complain about if i treat her special. you know diary, everytime she mentions about death, i can feel that tears started to form in my eyes. i just feel sad when i hear her talking about it. i don't want her to go, she has so much to do and so many dreams. she told me that she has the intention to embrace Islam and how was i so glad when i heard that. she's not sure about it yet but she's been contemplating about it. the only thing that's stopping her is how she is. i truly understand her when she said that but i hope it is not too late for her. i hope she has the opportunity to do just that.

she wants to come clean if she is converting and she wants to lead a straight life. she does not want to remain the same even after converting. i guess she is in a dilemma and i comprehend her situations. i probably would say that i am in her situations too, the only difference is that i am a born muslim and she is not. turning over a new leaf does not mean you are getting married are you? i don't really know what i want right now. my focus is on my studies more than anything else. love has not crossed my mind yet although i do feel something for a few people that i have known. i have no more excitement about it to pursue anymore. it is like i have lost all the juice and steam. being around girls make me happy but i am not sure if i want to commit myself with relationships. i'll probably remain single with many intimate girlfriends at my beck and call.*chuckles* life can be fun if you just know how to enjoy it while you can...

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