I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

when you think you cannot be silly....

Last night was funny as I was not able to log in to the computerised theory trial test at my driving school. It was anti-climax as I was all ready to practise the questions before my test date is due. Students are able to book dates for theory trial test through the internet at home, however I guessed I did not complete the booking at home and since the booking was incomplete my name was not registered through their system for the theory trial test last night. I consulted the instructor and he told me to register in the school via the computer kiosk. It was my first time using the kiosk and I made a blunder by inserting my IC into the receipt slot. I was supposed to scan the barcode on my IC to the scanner but I didn?t know where and how to do it, so thinking the receipt slot was for me to insert my IC, I inserted my IC there and voilla, it got stucked and couldn?t come out. After encountering many mishaps and blunders, I do not get panick easily anymore. So I ask for assistance from the customer service officer and she referred me to the technical staff outside. I couldn?t find any so I went back to the kiosk again, and this time, determined to get my IC out of the slot, I made use of my two thumbs and forced the IC out of the slot. silly me!! It came out and I re-registered again for the other dates and this time, I did it correctly. I was lucky because most of the students were in their driving class already at that time, so there was no queue; otherwise I am sure I was going to be stared at with hatred for holding up the queue and causing one system down. I just couldn?t imagine that.

I bought a very useful and convenient carrier bag for for Hang Tuah. It cost me 79 bucks and I might have to go without lunch everyday day till next month. I have been looking for something like that for a long time but the one I found was expensive and also not foldable. The one I bought is foldable and it?s bright red in colour. I can carry it like a backpack at the front or at the back, and also I can carry it like a briefcase. It has windows on both sides so that hang Tuah will be able to see outside and it has a small opening at the front for him to stick out his head to have a clearer view outside. I tried to put him inside the bag and he seemed to be quiet. I hope he will remain quiet in the bag when we brought him out cos with the old carrier, he couldn?t shut up. I will try to bring him to the nearby shop and see how he behaves in the new carrier bag.

I got a sms from Russia last night on my way to driving school. It was a surprise because I didn?t expect it to be from her. The idea seems so distant. She wished me a belated happy new year and asked how is my family doing and what have I been up to lately. I replied her and she told me she misses me. The thing with Russia is that, she has the qualities that I look for in a gf but it?s what she is that bothers me a little. She is neither a lessie nor a butch but most of the times she dresses more like a butch only that she is not extreme. And you know how I cannot bring myself to pair up with a butch or butch look-alike. It?s madness to do so cos I will only invite unwanted attentions from the public and it?s hell if I were to bump into my relatives while walking side by side with a butch. I do not wish to invite unnecessary problems to my already existing ones. Russia is someone I would talk to about heavy issues and someone I would converse with intellectually. I have always enjoyed any conversations I have with her. I can speak to her about anything although at times there are disagreements. Probably because of her background and her age. I really don?t know what?s going to happen to us but I am sure we will remain as friends because I have not imagined myself pairing up with her as a couple although I do miss her sometimes.

I sent aramis a test message asking how was she doing when the tsunami hit asia. She is in penang and I just had to find out her condition. She was safe from the disaster and I was so thankful about that because I knew she likes to go to Batu Ferringi. It was a very straightforward talk, there was not a single bit of the old habits anymore. I guessed, both of us knew it is so over between us. I am scared to get involved with her anymore and she is probably ashame of herself and somehow got the impression that I hate her. Frankly, I still have a soft spot for her but at the same time I am keeping my distance from her. It hurts to love somebody like this.

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