I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Very Sleepy Morning

Dear Diary,

Good morning to you. I slept at half past one last night and I woke up at six today. I cannot imagine how my colleagues who have worked there for more than a year cope. I have been here for four months now and I really think this is not worthy. They make us work like we have. They have no families and life. It is no wonder that most of the workers here are foreigners. They came to Singapore to work and when I said that I meant only work. They have no social life and they have no families here. They can devout their time to work and nothing else. 

Work starts at 8 in the morning and ends as late as two in the morning. I never stayed until two but I have stayed as late as 30 minutes to midnight. I work 6 days a week. Imagine how much weight I have lost Diary. We stand at work. There is no sitting allowed. That is the nature of our jobs. Live in my shoes and you will then be able to know. I can quit anytime but the only thing that is stopping me is the dream I have. I am one step closer to my dream. I have begun to do research on staffs and locations. I have to create a system which is effective for the business.

I have got one staff and she would be my full time kitchen helper. I am looking for 2 more staffs. One would be the cook and the other would be the kitchen helper. I have everything in my head, I just need to put them down on papers. I must do the business proposal soon cos I might not have all the time in the world looking at my work schedule. Oohh Diary...looks like I am going to be one busy bee soon!! 

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