I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday Emotions...

Dear Diary,

It was difficult for me to get out of bed this morning. At times I wonder when will this end. I am pretty sure it is not going to end anytime soon as I have to work until the end of my time here on earth. Everybody has to work unless you are born with a silver spoon in the mouth. We have to put food on the table and to meet life's demands. Sometimes I think about death. I ask myself will I keep on trying until I die. I also ask myself why does it matter so much to me if I know I am going to die one day. I do not know Diary. 

Perhaps I want to achieve something in my life that money cannot buy.  It is not difficult to fathom. There are so many things to say. I believe each and everyone of us have reasons to reach for our goals. Only we know why. It is for ourselves, family, friends or perhaps the people we love. We have our own true stories. I simply hope I can reach my goals before my time is up. This is for my family especially mom and dad. My heart's desires are for their convenience. 

Please Allah...make things easier for me. Give me the strength to face the challenge. Make me calm in times of adversities for my own betterment. Give me time to make my parents proud of me. 

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